MC3.0 Hadake-Jime (Opponent in a Turtle Position)

MC3.0 Hadake-Jime (Opponent in a Turtle Position)

The most common position for an unskilled fighter to take is the “Turtle Position.”  This is a last effort to protect your head from being damaged by kicks and punches. Wresters are taught to roll out from this position in their training, so to them it is not as taboo as it is in jujitsu training.  Never expose your back. If you must turtle roll onto your back and cover with your legs and forearms. In this position, you could potentially trap the attacker’s leg and take them down.

Warning: Never go to the ground if there are more than one potential attacker.    

If you execute the “Sprawl and Spin” defense correctly, you will be on the opponent’s back. With the opponent in the turtle position it is difficult to punch to the face, but if you work your forearm back and forth you may be able to get under the opponent’s chin for the naked choke.

  • Work your forearm under uke’s chin.
  • Once under his/her chin place your hand in the fold of your free elbow.
  • Place the hand of your free arm behind uke’s head or yours.
  • Place your forehead against the back of uke’s head and press forwards.
  • Hold the choke until uke taps, or the attacker passes out.

Note: If Uke rolls, maintain the choke and apply a grapevine once you’re on your back

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