[MC1.7] Forward-roll Reverse Arm-bar from Tie-Off: (Reverse Arm-bar)

[MC1.7] Forward-roll Reverse Arm-bar from Tie-Off: (Reverse Arm-bar)

This is an option when uke has tied off to one of his/her limbs. Sometimes it is easier to go with the flow. As he/she tries to pull away use their momentum to roll them into a reverse armbar. If uke is a skilled fighter he/she will hip shift and turn into the lock to escape, but an unskilled fighter will try and pull away. 

Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.   

  • When uke Counters the arm-bar by pulling backwards on their arm, simply reverse your direction and roll forwards. Pull them over on his/her  face in the direction they were pulling.

Note: Do not let uke shift his/her hips towards you.

  • Press uke’s elbow point up against your upper thigh, groin, or stomach.
  • Grasp uke’s wrist with both hands.
  • Arch your back and pull upwards with your arms. This will apply pressure to the elbow joint.

Note: It may be necessary to pull uke’s limb to the side to increase pressure.

Note: If uke does not surrender, you’ll need a back-up technique

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