ML1.6 Arm-bar Tie-off Counter Variation-1: (The Cradle)

ML1.6 Arm-bar Tie-off Variation-1: (The Cradle)

Sensei Dickson likes to relax and use his body weight to ware down the opponent, so he will simply place uke in the cradle position and drop his body weight on the armbar until uke cannot hold the counter any longer, and then ne will pull him/her into a standard armbar. You cannot simply tie-off and believe that you are secure. The tie-off is only a stop-gap solution.

To cradle an opponent simply wrap you arms around the opponent’s arm that you wish to apply the armbar and pull it to your chest. At that point push backwards and use your body weight to apply pressure to the arm.  You can rock side-to-side to prevent the wearing out of different muscle groups. I tis key to keep the opponent from turning. Keep their shoulders flat on the ground.

Note: This is obviously a sport and practice technique. In real confrontation you would drive your foot into the side of the attacker’s head to break their grip. You cannot safely drive your foot into your practice partners face during this exercise. 

Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.   

  • Uke grasps wrist to prevent the arm-bar.
  • Wrap your arms around uke’s arm and rock back.
  • Pull back and place your weight on uke’s arm causing him/her to waste energy.
  • Lean back in the cradle and rock until he/she releases their grasp.

Note: Be patient and let uke expend energy trying to escape, but do not let him/her shift in your direction. Keep them on their back.

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