[ML4.05] Knee Joint Separation Variation-1 (From the Behind)

[ML4.05] Knee Joint Separation Variation-1 (From the Behind)
In some throws uke will land face down. If this happens, this technique can be effective. Joint separations are not really a joint lock, but this type of technique still falls into this category. This can be a very painful technique if done properly.
Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.
Throw uke face down.
- Place one of your legs on top uke’ knee joint. In the knee crease.
- Lift uke’s foot but the ankle in the direction of uke’s head.
Note: You can place the foot on your chest and lean into it for greater pressure.
- Release the lock when uke taps, or the attacker’s knee joint separates.
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