SL1.10 Outside Standing Arm Drag

SL1.10 Outside Standing Arm Drag
This technique is not a true Armbar, but it is an introduction to a shoulder-lock, Birdwing-Lock, Armbar, or throw. This should be taught at the beginning of a student’s introduction to grappling. Form this position the student can get behind his/her opponent. The grips can be made inside around the triceps under the armpit of outside around the triceps muscle.
Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.
Attacker grabs lapel, punches, or reaches for you.
(Inside Version Lapel Grasp)
- Trap uke’s hand same side and snap punch to ribs with the free hand. [Loosening-up technique]
- Slide your punching hand between uke’s arm and ribcage.
- Place the palm of your hand on uke’s triceps muscle under his/her armpit.
Note: The opponent will try to pull away. Follow his/her motion and step around and behind them.
- Push uke’s arm backwards while hanging on to their wrist.
Note: If the attacker bends their elbow, twist them into a birdwing lock.
- Step behind uke and Birdwing-lock, Shoulder-lock, or throw with Tani-otoshi.
Note: From the inside grip you can also throw with Ippon-seoi-nage or Yoko-Wakare. (Side Separation Throw)
(Outside Version Lapel Grasp)
- Trap uke’s hand opposite side and snap punch to the head with the free hand. [Loosening-up technique]
- Slide your punching hand around and behind uke’s triceps muscle.
- Place the palm of your hand on uke’s triceps muscle under his/her armpit.
Note: The opponent will try to pull away. Follow his/her motion and step around and behind them.
- Push uke’s arm backwards while hanging onto their wrist.
- Step behind uke and apply a choke or throw with Tani-otoshi.