SL3.1 Forward Head Lock

SL3.1 Forward Head Lock
This is a very common lock practiced by unskilled fighters as well as skilled individuals. I have found myself in a reverse head lock in an actual confrontation. My counterattack consisted of as many punches to the attacker’s face as I could muster in a short period of time. The result was that I broke the attacker’s nose, and he chose to end the confrontation. If you apply this technique, it must be followed quickly by a throw or knee strikes because you’re in a vulnerable position.
Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present
Warning: The opponent’s hands are free, so they can punch you in the head, groin, and ribs. Do not place the adversary in this hold for very long.
Scenario: This is a defense against someone trying to tackle you and knock you to the ground or to pick you off the ground for a Supplex or Ura-nage.
- Wrap your arm around the attacker’s neck and arch your back to lock the attacker’s neck.
- Drop your body weight.
- Release the choke before throwing your training partner or when uke taps.
Note: This can also be an introduction to a guillotine choke and a throw.
Note: This is a hold. The technique is to hold the opponent until help arrives, or until you set up another technique that could possibly end the confrontation.