SL5.6 Wrist Elbow Goose Neck Lock

SL5.6 Wrist Elbow Goose Neck Lock:

Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present

Note: The purpose of this lock is to get the attacker to move. It can be applied by one or two people in an effort to escort a disruptive person from the area. It can also be used to set-up a finishing technique by getting the assailant to move into position. Pain is an effect motivator.


Attacker grabs your wrist.

  • Use snake-hand technique and grasp uke’s wrist.
  • Punch uke in the face or solar-plexus. [Opening up Technique]
  • Trade hands. Grasp uke’s hand with the punching hand.
  • Slide the arm, that first trapped uke’s wrist, around and behind uke’s elbow.
  • Turn clockwise and press uke’s elbow into your ribs while pulling backwards on uke’s hand.

Note: You may need to use the other hand to prevent uke form pulling out of the lock.

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