Cntr-9.0 Osoto-gari Counter (Big Outer Reap Counter)

[Cntr-9.0] Osoto-gari Counter (Big Outer Reap Counter)

One of the most common throws is Osoto-gari. The weakness is, while the throw is being performed, you’re on one foot. You can use your own Osoto-gari to counter uke’s. You may also with to counter with Harai-goshi, if you have a strong Harai-goshi.

Note: These counters are not the only way to counter a certain range-two throw. They’re intended to give the student a tool to utilize, so they understand there is options. These scenario’s may or may not be their favorite option. The purpose of these exercises is to get the student thinking about how to resist and exploit the opponents attack in range-two

Execution: Osoto-gari
  • (Uke) Pull tori towards you slightly. If your reaping with the right leg, pull tori onto his/her right leg by pulling hard to your left with your left hand while lifting with your right hand.
  • (Uke) Step to the side of tori about one foot from his/her lead foot and place most of your weight on the left leg.
  • Swing your right leg behind tori’s lead foot or calf and reap backwards.
Counter to Osoto-gari with Osoto-gari
  • Uke and Tori are already in the clinch when uke applies an Osoto-gari.
  • (Tori) When uke begins his/her reap, you must lean forwards.
  • (Tori) Catch uke’s leg with the back of your leg.
  • (Tori) Reap uke’s leg with your own Osoto-gari.
Alternate Counter: Osoto-gari with O-goshi

Note: this is a difficult counter, but the throw depends upon our preference. Just because it is difficult does not mean you should not try this counter.

  • Uke and Tori are already in the clinch when uke applies an Osoto-gari.
  • (Tori) When uke begins his/her reap, lean forwards.
  • (Tori) Catch uke’s leg with the back of your leg.
  • (Tori) Turn 180° and pull uke up on your hip.
  • (Tori) Sweep one or both of uke’s legs throwing him/her over your hip.
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