[1.3.0] Kusanku Section-1 Bunkai: Counter to a Double Lapel Grab

[1.3.0] Section-1 Kaishaku: Counter to a Double Lapel Grab

Hanto kata: [Jujitsu Black Belt]
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai (2nd)

Theory: When an attacker grasps your lapels, it is to control your movement. In most cases they ‘re preparing to throw you to the ground.

Part-1 Attacker: Double Lapel Grab

Part-2 Defender: Double elbow Lock

  • Go inside the outside and around the attacker’s arms and create a double elbow lock.
  • Grasp his/her lapels or clothing between their arms.
  • Lean back and apply pressure to the attacker’s elbow joints.

Note: You can use a headbutt to loosen up the adversary.

Note: This position is very flexible. From here you can throw the adversary with Tomoe-nage (Circle Throw), Uki-waza (Floating Throw), or simply hold the opponent until help arrives to subdue him/her.

[End Series]

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