[13.5.0] Kusanku Section-13 Bunkai: Counter to a Grab

[13.5.0] Section-13 Kaishaku: Counter to a Grab

[Source:] [Jujitsu Black Belt] (Double Leg Take-down) (Morote-gari)
[Rating:] Basic

Part-1 Attacker: Tries to Grab Your Shoulder or Punches

Part-2 Defender: Back-fist, Ridge-hand, Back-hand with Neck Trap

  • Strike with forearm or ridge hand.

Part-3 Defender: Crescent Kick with Takedown

  • Drive your heel into the attacker’s hip crease. (Inside Crescent Kick)
  • Pull the attacker’s arm downwards as you drop your weigh to break his/her balance.
  • Drop and grasp the attacker by the ankles.
  • Drive the shoulders into the attacker’s knees.
  • Spin 180˚ throwing the attacker to the ground pushing over downed attacker’s hip line.
  • Strike to the attacker’s head.

Information: This technique is also found on page 214 in Dr. Yang’s book Shaolin Chin-na, but I originally was shown this bunkai by my Jujitsu instructor who also taught Isshin-ryu.

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