[Cntr-10.0] Uchi-mata-Counter (Inner Thigh Throw Counter)


[Cntr-10.0] Uchi-mata-Counter (Inner Thigh Throw Counter)

Uchi-mata is a judoka’s technique. It is not a widely used in jujitsu as a throw because you turn your back to the opponent. Judo does not allow atemi-waza (striking), so this is a somewhat safe technique in their competition. Never underestimate the effectiveness of this technique in the hands of a skilled judoka. We do teach this throw in the AOKK, mainly so the student does not get surprised in an altercation, but there may come a time when this is your best option. While Uchi-mata is favored by the judoka, Tani-otoshi is favored by jujitsu student.

Sweeping the supporting leg give you the advantage because you’re still standing. If you counter with Tani-otoshi you’ll be continuing the altercation on the ground. It is your choice. The ground becomes problematic when there is more than one opponent or if the area is littered with debris.

Note: These counters are not the only way to counter a certain range-two throw. They’re intended to give the student a tool to utilize, so they understand there is options. These scenario’s may or may not be their favorite option. The purpose of these exercises is to get the student thinking about how to resist and exploit the opponents attack in range-two

Execution Uchi-mata:
  • (Uke) Break tori’s balance forwards.
  • (Uke) Grip a sleeve and a lapel.
  • (Uke) Lift tori’s sleeve arm and look at the back of your wrist.
  • (Uke) Turn your head. Push upwards with the lapel hand and forwards.
  • (Uke) Step first with the reaping leg.
  • (Uke) Uke’s right leg steps to tori’s right foot.
  • (Uke) Turn 180° and plant your support foot between uke’s legs.

Note: Both of your legs must end up between uke’s legs.

  • (Uke) Break tori’s balance by driving backwards with your hips.
  • (Uke) Point the toes of the reaping leg downward and swing it backwards while pulling tori forwards over and down across your hip.
Foot Sweep
Counter to Uchi-mata with Foot Sweep
  • (Tori) As uke turns and lifts his/her foot off the tatami, sweep his/her supporting leg.

Note: Sweep the support leg into the leg uke is pushing between your legs.

  • (Tori) Twist uke’s shoulder and throw him/her to their back.
Alternate Counter with Tani-otoshi:
  • (Tori) As uke turns and lifts his/her foot off the tatami, drop your buttocks to the tatami while extending your leg behind uke’s.

Note: Grasp the back of uke’s belt if possible, to facilitate the throw.

  • (Tori) Pull uke backwards and down over your extended leg.
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