[Cntr-11.0] Countering the Guillotine Choke Var.1(Tani-otoshi)

[Cntr-11.0] Countering the Guillotine Choke Var.1(Tani-otoshi)

Counter to Guillotine Choke: The guillotine is most easily applied during a single leg takedown (Kuchici-taoishi). First always keep your head up and face centered when executing a double leg (Morote-gari) or single leg takedown.  Do not look down or place your head to the side. You may take a shot to the face, but that is better than getting choked-out.

  • When you feel the opponent’s arm wrapping around your neck, turn your face to the sky and arch your back.
  •  Execute a duck-under.
Follow-up Technique:
  • Pull your head free by pulling sown on the attacker’s forearm. 
  • Execute a Tani-otoshi throw (Valley Drop).
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