[Cntr-11.1]: Countering the Guillotine Choke Var.2 (Tomo-nage)

[Cntr-11.1]: Countering the Guillotine Choke Var.2 (Tomo-nage)

Counter to Guillotine Choke after it gets set: This is the worst-case scenario. Do not attempt the Tomo-nage (stomach throw) if the choke is locked in tight. You must loosen the attacker’s grip. A knee to the groin may help. Once the choke is loosened and your head is free make the throw quickly. Follow the throw with strikes of a submission.

Warning: this is a dangerous counter and should only be practiced under a qualified AOKK instructor supervision.

  • If the opponent has landed the choke, place one hand between the opponent’s forearm and your throat.
  • Clear the airway first, and then throw your other arm over his/her shoulder to prevent the opponent from arching their back.
  • When uke gets tired and loosens their choke a little, wrap your arm around uke’s neck and place him/her in a headlock.
  • From this position try to reap one of the opponent’s legs and go to the ground or use Tomoe-nage to throw the opponent.
Follow-up Techniques:
  • Tomoe-nage
  • Kouchi-gari
  • Kosoto-gari
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