[Cntr 14.0] Double-leg Takedown Counter Var-1 (Guillotine and Sprawl)

[Cntr 14.0] (Double-leg Takedown Counter Var-1 (Guillotine and Sprawl)
The attacker shoots forward for a Double Leg Takedown or Morote-gari.
Warning: This is only to be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present. Serious neck injuries could occur.
- (Uke) The attacker shoots forward for a Double Leg Takedown or Morote-gari.
- (Tori) Kick your feet backwards into a sprawl.
- (Tori) Place the opponent in a guillotine choke.
- (Tori) Drop face down to the floor maintaining the choke.
- (Tori) As the attacker wriggles free or as you’re falling, slide your forearm across his/her chin and turn the opponent’s head sideways.
- (Tori) Quickly rotate your shoulders applying pressure to the aggressor’s neck.
Note: You may need to arch your back sideways to increase pressure on the neck lock.
- (Tori) Hold the opponent until help arrives, stand-up, or spin into a back mount.
Warning: Children should not be instructed in the application of this technique.
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