[Cntr 15.0] Single leg Counter (Kuchici-taoshi) by (Sumi-geashi)

[Cntr 15.0] Single leg Counter (Kuchici-taoshi) by (Sumi-geashi)
A single leg takedown (Kuchiki-taoshi) in one to the most common throws used to take an opponent to the tatami. This is one example of a counter. There are numerous ways to counter every throw.
- (Uke) The attacker shoots forward for a Single Leg Takedown or Kibisu-gaeshi.
- (Tori) Leans over uke’s back and grasps uke’s belt.
- (Tori) Fall backwards and to the side and throw uke with Sumi-gaeshi.
Note: your foot is already being pulled up so all you need to do is drop to your buttocks and throw uke. Their forwards momentum will carry them through the technique. Worst case scenario is you’ll be forced to place them in the guard.
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