[3.7.0] Sunsu Section-3 Bunkai: Counter to a Grasp of Both Wrists

[3.7.0] Section-3 Kaishaku: Counter to a Grasp of Both Wrists

[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] Basic

Part-1 Attacker: Attacker Grasps both Wrists

  • Attacker grasps both wrists.

Theory: This could be an attempt to throw you or drag you into a secluded place

Part-2 Defender:

  • Turn your palms over the attacker’s wrists and pull your hands back to your waist.
  • Press downward with the sides of your hands.

Note: You may need to kick to the attacker’s groin or strike with your head to effectively get the adversary to loosen his/her grip.

  • Drive both spear fingers forward breaking the attacker’s grip and striking the attacker’s throat bilaterally.
  • Double strike the inside the attacker’s biceps. (Brachial Plexus)

Note: The spear-finger strike can be replaced with palm heel strikes to the ribs.


When the hands are shown, in the palms-up position, this means the strike is to the throat. If the palms were facing downward, your fingers could hyperextend.


Many schools teach that this is a strike to the area below the rib cage, and it is followed by a grasp of tissue or in the extreme the rib cage. This has always been a source of contention with me. It may be true that early martial artist conditioned their fingers it is highly unlikely they could penetrate flesh. The hand conditioning consisted of first driving your fingers into a metal bowl of rice or beans until the calluses developed and the grains could be crushed by the blow. Next, the student would begin driving his/her fingers into a metal bowl of sand, and lastly the bowl of sand would be replaced with a bowl of pebbles. To test the effectiveness of their training, they would strike and penetrate a stretched cowhide or pig skin. His could be only myth.

Part-3 Attacker: Punches

Part-4 Defender: Parry, Middle block and Punch (Continuation Section-4)

  • Step backwards (Create Distance)
  • Parry Block
  • Middle Block
  • Lead Hand Punch
  • Reverse Punch

[End Series]

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