[5.5.0] Sunsu Section-5 Bunkai: Counter to a Reach for a Choke or Grab

[5.5.0] Section-5 Kaishaku: Counter to a Reach for a Choke or Grab
[Source:] [Isshin-Ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] Basic
Note: For this to be effective you must drive the shuto through the target. If the opponent has a muscular neck, this technique may not work. The key is the knife hand strike should be delivered as if you’re cutting through the attacker’s neck. You must have good hip and shoulder rotation as you drive through the target. The blood flow to the brain will be interrupted only long enough to stun the attacker. At that point you must escape or follow with another technique.
Part-1 Attacker: The Attacker Reaches for you with Both Hands.
Part-2 Defender: Wedge Block
- Your arms go between the attacker’s arms with a double palm strike under the attacker’s chin.
- Wedge block the attacker’s arms and remove their grasp.
- Trap the attacker’s arm with your (LH).
- Rotate your body and pull the attacker off balance. (LH)
- Shuto to the carotid plexus (neck)
- Rotate and throw the attacker with Tai-otoshi.
[End Series]

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