

Kusanku sai was created by Tatsuo Shimabuku. The sai has always been an extension of the hand, so adding a sai to an empty hand kata was no great leap. Note the prong position during the execution of individual technique. The prong position can prevent you from injuring yourself. When it differs it can indicate a bunkai change. Just remember a block is a block and a punch is a punch. Knowing the empty hand bunkai simply gives you the sai bunkai. When Shimabuku sensei created this kata, he also incorporated a portion of Kyan-No-Sai. This and Suansu kata are uniquely parts of Isshin-ryu karate.

Note: Many schools teach this kata and incorporate kicks. This allows for better flow within the form. It also combines empty hand and weapons technique. Originally weapons were taught as a separate art. If adding the kicks violates your desire to keep the kata in its original form, then simply don’t add them. I’ve been studying the martial arts for more than four decades, and I have no problem with adding the kicks. Sensei Adler and Shimabuku Tatsuo do not add the kicks, but Sensei Uezu does. Uezu spent more time with sensei Shimabuku than most students. Uezu was his son-in-law. Robinson sensei was greatly impressed with Uezu sensei.


1. Bow
  • Feet in Mausubi-dachi.
  • RH&LH Hands at the sides.
  • Feet come together as you bend at the waist.
  • Hook your thumbs under the top of the sai’s prong.
  • As you straighten up, pull the sai in front of your body performing a wedge block.
2. Pivot into Left Foot forward Zenkutsu-dachi stance on the oblique. Turn Counterclockwise (CCW) on a 45° angle.
  • Left Hand (LH) High Block simultaneously. [Prongs Vertical]
  • Right Hand (RH) Low block simultaneously. [Prongs Horizontal]
  • LF: Stomp Left Foot

Note: The index finger points down the handle of the sai.

3. Pivot right CW to your right into a Zenkutsu-dachi stance. Turn Clockwise (CW) on a 45° angle.
  • RH: Right Hand (RH) High Block simultaneously. [Prongs Vertical]
  • LH: Left Hand (LH) Low block simultaneously. [Prongs Horizontal]
  • RF: Stomp Right Foot
4.Remain in Zenkutsu-dachi on the oblique.
  • LH: Horizontal Outside Strike [Prongs Vertical]
  • RH: High Block [Prongs Vertical]

Note: This high block is found in both the Sensei Adler and Sensei Uezu version. It is not in the Sensei Robinson or Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei version. I have taught this form both ways and now teach it with the high block.

5.Remain in Zenkutsu-dachi on the oblique.
  • LH: Horizontal Outside Strike [Prongs Vertical]
  • RH: High Block [Prongs Vertical]

Note: This high block is found in both the Sensei Adler and Sensei Uezu version. It is not in the Sensei Robinson or Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei version. I have taught this form both ways and now teach it with the high block.

6. Remain in Zenkutsu-dachi on the oblique.
  • RH: Horizontal Outside Strike [Prongs Vertical]
  • LH: Chambered [Prongs Vertical]
  • RH: High Block [Prongs Horizontal]

Note: This high block is found in both the Sensei Adler and Sensei Uezu version. It is not in the Sensei Robinson or Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei version. I have taught this form both ways and now teach it with the high block.

7. Pivot to the CW right on a 45° angle into Zenkutsu-dachi on the oblique.
  • LH: Lead hand punch with the butt of the weapon. [Prongs Vertical]
  • RH: Chambered on the hip. [Prongs Vertical]
8. Remain in Zenkutsu-dachi on the oblique.
  • LH: Horizontal Outside Strike [Prongs Vertical]
  • RH: Chambered on hip. [Prongs Vertical]
  • LH: High Block [Prongs Horizontal]

Note: This high block is found in both the Sensei Adler and Sensei Uezu versions. It is not in the Sensei Robinson or Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei versions. I have taught this form both ways and now teach it with the high block.


9. Turn CW 180° and pull back into a Cat Stance Right Foot Forwards
  • RH: Chambered butt of right sai against the butt of the left sai [Prongs Vertical]
  • LH: Chambered butt of right sai against the butt of the left sai [Prongs Vertical]
  • Front Kick
10. Step out into Seisan Stance Right Foot Forwards

Note: Uezu has a front kick in his version of this kata.

  • RH: Overhand strike with the shaft of the sai. [Prongs Horizontal]
  • LH: Chambered on hip [Prongs Vertical]


11.Turn back CCW 180˚ into a Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi (Balanced Stance).
  • RH: Pull the sai back to the forearm. [Prongs Horizontal]
  • LH: Chambered [Prongs Vertical]
  • RH & LH: Flip sai forward into a Middle Guarding Position. [Prongs Horz]
12.Step Forward into Seisan Dachi Right Foot Forwards.
  • LH & RH: (Chudan) Middle Guarding Position [Prongs Horizontal]
  • LH: Swing sai across your body and bring it back to the guarding position.

Note: Swing the sai upward under the elbow stopping in with the right sai forward in a Middle Guarding Position

13. Step Forward into Seisan Dachi Left Foot Forwards.
  • LH: Middle Horizontal Strike
14. Step Forward into Seisan Dachi Right Foot Forwards.
  • LH: Chambered on hip with tip pointing forwards. [Prongs Vertical]
  • RH: Thrust sai forwards.

Note: Pull the RH sai back to your waist as you shuffle, and then thrust the sai forwards as you end the step. Both the step and thrust should stop simultaneously.


15. Pivot on the right foot turning CCW 180˚ into Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi.
  • LH & RH: Middle Guarding Position (Left Hand Forwards) [Prongs Horizontal]

Note: Pivot on the left foot. The right leg moves CCW.

16. Shuffle Forward in the Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi.
  • LH: Thrust with the point of the sai. [Prongs Horizontal]
  • RH: Chambered on the right hip. [Prongs Vertical]

Note: Pull the LH sai back to your waist as you shuffle, and then thrust the sai forwards as you end the step. Both the step and thrust should stop simultaneously.

Note: In the AOKK version there are two strikes with the point of the sai and none in the Adler sensei or Shimabuku version

17. Step Forward into Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi.
  • LH: Thrust with the point of the sai.
  • RH: Chambered on the right hip.


18. Twist in place CCW 180˚ into Crane Stance Left Foot Forward

Note: Right leg behind Left leg

  • RH: Horizontal Strike to the Temple [Prongs Horizontal]
  • LH: Chambered behind your Head [Prongs Vertical]
  • Front Kick

Note: In Shimabuku’s version the sai goes behind the head.

Note: In Uezu’s version there is a front kick before you turn and drop to one knee.

Note: Uezu sensei incorporated kicks into this form like the empty hand kata. Kicks are not in the Adler,  Advinkula, or Shimabuku Tatsuo sensei versions. Kicks are optional in the AOKK version because it makes the kata flow better, and why limit your attacks. Incorporating kicks seem to be a natural addition.

19. Pivot on the left foot and turn 180˚ and drop to the right knee.

Note: Step forward with the right leg and turn CCW until you’re facing the opposite direction.

  • LH: Guarding position with sai tips forward. [Prongs Horizontal]
  • RH: Chambered on the right hip sai tip pointed forward. [Prongs Vertical]
  • LH: Swing sai across body. Horizonal middle outside block/strike.

Note: The left hand rotates to the horizontal position.

Note: In the Shimabuku Tatsuo’s sensei’s version this is a horizontal strike, but in the Adler sensei and AOKK version it is an Outside Middle Block.

Note: The AOKK went with the Adler version or outside middle block.

20. Stand up in Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi.
  • RH: Thrust the right sai tip forwards. [Prongs Horizontal]
  • LH: Chambered sai tip forwards. [Prongs Vertical]
21. Twist into Crane Dachi facing the same direction: [Right leg behind Left leg]
  • RH: Horizontal Strike to the Temple [Prongs Horizontal]
  • LH: High Cross Body Block [Prongs Vertical]

Note: In Uezu’s version there is a front kick before you turn and drop to one knee.

Note: Right knee is pressed into left knee.

22. Pivot on the left foot turning 180˚ drop down on the right knee.
  • LH &RH: Middle Guarding Position (Left Hand Forwards) [Prongs Horizontal]
  • LH: Swing the sai across your body. Horizonal middle outside block/strike.
23. Stand up in Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi.
  • LH &RH: Flip Sai back against the forearm:
  • RH: Punch Right with the butt of the sai

Note: In the Uezu’s and Shimabuku Tatsuo’s version there is only a right punch.

  • LH: Punch Left with the butt of the sai

Note: In the Adler sensei and the AOKK version there are two punches.


24. Turn 90˚ CCW into a left foot forward Cat Stance.
  • RH &LH: Stack both sai on the right hip sai points out.
25a. Step out of the Cat Stance into a Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi.
  • LH: Cross Body Middle Outside Block. [Prongs Horizontal]
  • RH: Chambered on the hip. [Prongs Vertical]

Note: The moves in 25 a&b are performed in rapid succession. The block is made as you’re dropping to your knee. This is found in Adler’s, Robinson’s, Uezu’s, and Tatsuo Shimabuku’s versions.

25b. Drop down on your Right knee with Left knee forward:
  • LH: Flip the sai back to your forearm. [Prongs Vertical]
  • RH: Remains chambered. [Prongs Vertical]
  • LH: Low block [Prongs Vertical]
26. Stand-up and turn CW 180˚ into a Right Foot Forward Cat Stance.
  • LH&RH: Stack both sai on the left hip

Note: Both sai are held with the blade against the forearm pointing outward.

27a. Step forwards in a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi.
  • RH: Cross Body Outside Middle Block
  • LH: Chambered on hip.

Note: The moves in 27 a & b are performed in rapid succession. The block is made as you’re dropping to your knee.  

27b. Drop down on your Left knee with the Right Knee Forward: [Same Technique Opposite Side]
  • RH: Flip the sai back to the forearm and Low block.
  • LH: Flip the sai backwards and chamber on hip.             


28. Stand-up and turn CCW 145˚ into a Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • LH&RH: Flip both sai blade forward
  • RH: Pull the sai back to the hip
  • LH:

Note: Upward Strike with the left sai and stop in a Chudan Guarding Position

29. Step Forward into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • RH: Sai tip pointing forwards.
  • LH: Pull the sai back to the hip.

Note: Upward Strike with the right sai and stop in a Chudan Guarding Position

30. Turn CW into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi: [Opposite Side]
  • LH: Sai tip pointing forwards.
  • RH: Pull the right sai back to the hip.

Note: Upward Strike with the left sai and stop in a Chudan Guarding Position

31. Step on a 45˚ into a left foot forward Seisan Dachi: [Opposite Side]
  • RH: Sai tip pointing forwards.
  • LH: Pull the left sai back to the hip.

Note: Upward Strike with the left sai and stop in a Chudan Guarding Position                          


32. Pivot CW 45° into a Horse Stance:
  • RH&LH: Swing both sai behind your buttocks
  • RH&LH: Swing sai forward and up into a High X Block [Crossing sai]


33. Twist CCW into a Left Foot Forward Crane Stance: [Left foot in front Right behind]

Note: In Uezu’s version there is a front kick in this series.

  • RH: Horizontal Strike to the Temple
  • LH: Cross Body High Block
  • Front Kick
34. Step Forward with the Right Foot and Transition into a Crane Stance: [Right foot in front left leg behind]
  • LH: Strike downward with the left sai during transition
  • RH: Strike downward right crossing the sai after stepping into the Crane Stance.
35. Step backwards with the left foot into a right foot forward Seisan Dachi:
  • RH&LH: Flip both sai back so the blade is against the forearm.
  • RH: Middle Block
  • LH: Reverse Punch with butt of sai
  • RH: Lead Punch with the butt of sai


36. Pivot on the left foot and turn CCW backwards 180˚ into a Cat Stance:
  • RH&LH: Chamber both sai on the right hip
37. Step into a Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • LH: Flip sai over and strike downward.
  • RH: Chambered on hip.


38. Pull back into a Left Foot Forward Cat Stance:
  • LH: Flip sai back and Inside Middle Block.
  • RH: Chambered on hip.

Note: There is no middle block in the Shimabuku or Uezu versions. It does however appear in the Adler version.

Note: The AOKK version does contain this move.

39. Spin CCW by stepping forward with the right leg180˚, and thrusting the left leg straight and behind: [Leg Whip Sweep]
  • RH&LH: Place the butt of the sai on the floor.

Note: The technique of looking side to side is only in the Adler version.

Note: Looking side to side is part of our empty hand version of Kusanku and it is part of AOKK sai version.

40. Spin CCW 180˚ landing on the left foot thrusting the right leg straight and behind: [Leg Whip Sweep]
  • RH&LH: Place the butt of the sai on the floor.
41. Stand up and step into a right foot forward Seisan Dachi Stance:
  • RH: Middle Outside Block
  • LH: Middle Punch Left
  • RH: Middle Punch Right

Note: In the Adler version there is a shuffle step with each punch.  The thought is the opponent is moving, so this teaches footwork. In the Shimabuku version the stances are static. The AOKK accepts either version. Uezu moves slightly forward. 


42. Pivot backwards on the left foot CCW 180˚ into a Left Foot Forward Cat Stance:

Note: In the Shimabuku Tatsuo’s version this is a low block.

  • LH: Inside-outside Middle Block.
  • RH: Chambered on the hip.

 Note: This step is not in the Sensei Shimabuku version, but is found in the Sensei Adler, Sensei Uezu’s version.

Note: This is also included in the the AOKK version.

43. Step forward into a Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • LH: Low Block.
  • RH: Chambered on the hip.
44. Step forward with the right leg and plant the right foot. Bring the left knee behind the right knee into a Crane Stance [Right over Left]:
  • RH: Vertical Punch
  • LH: Chambered on hip.
45a. Pivot on the right foot and Spin 345˚ into a Left Seisan Dachi:

Note: Drop the right arm straight down the side of the body as you begin this spin.

  • LH: Cross body Low Block
  • RH: Chambered on hip

Note: The sai goes over the head as you begin the spin and stops when the stance stops.

45b. Pull the sai backwards and overhand strike to the collarbone with the same left hand.
  • LH: Roll the wrist and execute a high strike with the sai tip forward.
  • RH: Chambered

Note: In the Uezu sensei version, the strike is followed by a low block.


46. Pivot on the right foot CW 15˚ into a Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi, so you’re perpendicular to the kata’s staring point.
  • RH&LH: U Shape Punch to the Left Side
47. Pivot into a Horse Stance as your head turns to the right:
  • LH: High Cross Body Block
  • RH: Low Cross Body Block
48. Pivot on the right foot CW 180˚ into a Horse Stance facing the opposite direction:
  • LH: Middle horizontal strike with the Left sai
  • RH: Middle Horizontal Strike with the Right sai
  • Pull both sai behind your hips and execute a high X Block sai points forward.

Note: Strike across the body.

49. Snap sai downward and pivot on the right foot into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • RH&LH: Pull both sai behind your hips.
  • RH& LH: Thrust the sai forwards into a high X Block with sai points forward.
50. Step backwards with the right leg into a Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi: [Weapon Trap]
  • LH: Turn the left sai upwards perpendicular to the floor.
  • RH: Overhand strike with the right hand sai blade into the left sai prong

Note: Shimabuku sensei steps backwards into a Seisan-dachi while Adler and Uezu sensei pull backwards into a cat-stance.

Note: The AOKK also pulls back into a cat-stance.


 51. Pivot 45° centering the kata into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • RH &LH: Flip both sai back so the blades are against the forearms.
  • RH: Middle Block
  • Middle Punch Left
  • Middle punch Right


52. Pivot on the right foot CCW 180˚ into a Left foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • RH&LH: Execute Middle Guarding Position

Note: Swing the Sai form the waist upward into the chudan guarding block.

53. Step forward into a Right Forward Seisan Dachi
  • RH&LH: Execute Middle Guarding Position

Note: Swing the Sai form the waist upward into the chudan guarding block.

54. Step backwards with the right leg into Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • RH&LH: Flip both sai back so the blades are against the forearms
  • LH: High Block Simultaneously
  • RH: Low Block Simultaneously

Note: The blade is on top of the forearm, so it takes the impact of a strike.

  • RH: Outside Cross Body Block
  • RH: Inside Cross Body Block
  • RH: Outside Cross Body Block
  • RH: Flip the sai right sai up against the right forearm and execute a Right-Hand Low Block
55. Step forward into a Right Seisan Dachi:
  • RH: High Block Simultaneously
  • LH: Low Block Simultaneously
  • LH: Outside Cross Body Block
  • LH: Inside Cross Body Block
  • LH: Outside Cross Body Block
  • LH: Flip the sai left sai up against the left forearm and execute a Low Block.


56. Pivot on the left leg and bring the right leg forward into a horse stance: [Facing Right]
  • RH&LH: Both sai are brought together in front of the chest.
  • RH: Strike downwards to the side.

Note: In Shimabuku’s version a sai is thrown sticking it into the attacker’s foot. Next a sai would be drown form the obi. When this kata was introduced, students practiced outside so this was not a problem. Today dojo owners’ frown upon holes in the floor.

57. Step backwards CW with the right leg and Step into a Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • RH&LH: Flip both sai Back to forearms as you’re turning.
  • RH&LH: Flip both sai forwards and execute a Left Chudan Guarding Block as you stop and set into the Left Foot Forwards Seisan Dachi.
58. Step forward into Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • LH: Chamber the left sai while moving [Prongs Vertical]
  • RH: Execute a Thrust with the sai tip [Prongs Horizontal]

Note: On all thrusts the prongs are horizontal

59. Remain in Seisan Dachi Right Foot Forward Stance:
  • RH: Flip the left sai over and execute a low block
  • LH: Chamber the sai on your hip.
60. Step forward into a Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • LH: Punch
  • LH: Flip the sai and Overhand Strike with the blade [Prongs Horizontal]
  • LH: Pull the left sai backward to your hip [Prongs Vertical]
  • LH: Thrust the sai forward [Prongs Horizontal]
  • LH: Flip the sai blade back against the forearm.
  • LH: Execute a Low Block {Prongs Vertical]
61. Step forward into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • RH: Punch with the butt of the sai.
  • RH: Flip the sai over and Overhand Strike downward with the blade [Prongs Vertical]
  • RH: Pull the sai back to the hip [Prongs Vertical]
  • RH: Thrust the right sai forward [Prongs Horizontal]
  • RH: Flip the sai over and execute a right-hand low block.
62. Step back into Ready Stance:
  • RH&LH: Cross the sai
  • RH&LH: Flip both sai back to the forearms and Wedge Block.
  • Bow Out
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