AOKK Kyan-No-Sai


Kyan No Sai is not a traditional Isshin-ryu kata. I have however seen master Shimabuku perform this kata on 8mm film, so it does have Isshin-ryu roots. Some of the techniques in this kata found their way into Kusanku-No-Sai.  It is required kata for the AOKK student and is an excellent introduction to the weapon for beginning students.

Note: Remember the sai is an extension of the hand, and the weapon protects us we do not protect the weapon.


Most elementary kata have a distinct pattern. This kata is performed in a “T’ pattern.

Step-1. Bow
  • Bow in the traditional Isshin-ryu manner with both sai inserted into your obi. (belt)


Step-2. Bilateral strikes to the attacker’s jaw line.
  • Reach across your body and pull the left sai with the right hand and hold it head high.
  • Reach across your body and pull the right sai with the left hand and hold it head high.

Note: This is technique is similar to Iai the art of drawing the sword. This is a first response to an attack. The faster you pull a strike with the weapon the more likely you will survive the encounter.

Step-3. Retreat and low block.
  • Step back CCW into Kiba-dachi or Horse-Riding Stance by pivoting on the right leg and moving left leg.
  • Twin low block

Note: Sometimes a retreat is a good idea. Moving backwards creates distance and can take the sting out of an attack. It also gives you time to prepare your counterattack.

Note: The sai block the attack while the body is moving backwards. The sai position is important. Notice how the sai protect the forearms. 

Note: Even though your body is turned sideways your head is looking forwards.

Note: Stepping backwards hides the body’s centerline targets and gives the attacker a limited target area. This technique is especially effective against pokes and thrusts.

Step-4. Turn back to the forwards position into a left foot forward Seisan Dachi:
  • Horizontal strike left.
Step-5. Step forward into a right Seisan Dachi
  • Horizontal strike right.
Step-6. Step forward into left Seisan Dachi:
  • Horizontal strike left.
Step-7. Shuffle step forward into Left Foot Forwards Seisan Dachi.                
  • Left: low block
  • Right: vertical punch
  • Left: vertical punch


Step-8.Turn 180˚ into Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • Right: Horizontal Strike

Note: Bring the right sai in front of your body CCW around behind the neck and strike left with prongs vertical

Step-9. Step forward into a Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • Left: Horizontal Strike
Step-10. Step forward into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:

Right: Horizontal Strike

Step-11. Shuffle step forward in Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi                
  • Right: Low Block
  • Left: Vertical Punch
  • Right: Vertical Punch


Step-12. Pivot 90˚ CCW into Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi Stance.
  • Left: High block
Step-13. Step into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • Right: Vertical Punch
  • Right: Outside Horizontal Middle block
  • Right: Inside Diagonal Strike across the body to the left.
  • Right: Outside Diagonal Strike right

 Note: The Outside Diagonal Block defects a blow outside your body.

Note: The Inside Diagonal Block pushes the attackers’ blow across your body and outside your shoulders.

Step-14. Shuffle Step Forward Maintaining the Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Right: Low Block
  • Left: Vertical Punch
  • Right: Vertical Punch
Step-15. Shuffle step Forward Maintaining the Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Right: High Block
Step-16. Step Forward into a Left Foot Forwards Seisan Dachi:
  • Left: Middle Vertical Punch.
  • Left: Outside Horizontal Middle Block
  • Left: Inside Diagonal Strike across the body
  • Left: Outside Diagonal Strike
Step-17. Shuffle Step Forward Maintaining the Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Left: Low Block
  • Right: Vertical Punch
  • Left: Vertical Punch
Step-18. Shuffle Step Forward Maintaining the Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Left: High Block
Step-19. Step Forward into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • Right: Middle Vertical punch.
  • Right: Outside Horizontal Middle block
  • Right: Inside Diagonal Strike left
  • Right: Outside Diagonal Strike right
Step-20. Shuffle Step Forward Maintaining the Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Right: Low Block
  • Left: Vertical Punch
  • Right: Vertical Punch


Step-21. Turn 180˚ into a Left Foot Forwards Seisan Dachi
  • Left: High Block

Note: The kata changes direction on this technique. You turn into the high block.

Step-22. Step Forward into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi:
  • Right: Vertical Middle Punch
  • Right: Outside Horizontal Middle block
  • Right: Inside Diagonal Strike across your body.
  • Right: Outside Diagonal Strike right
Step-23. Shuffle Step Forward Maintaining the Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Right: Low Block
  • Left: Vertical Punch
  • Right: Vertical Punch
Step-24. Shuffle Step Forward Maintaining the Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Right: High Block
Step-25. Step Forward into a Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Left: Vertical Punch
  • Left: Outside Horizontal Middle block
  • Left: Inside Diagonal Strike across your body
  • Left: Outside Diagonal Strike right
Step-26. Shuffle Step Forward Maintaining the Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Left: Low Block
  • Right: Vertical Punch
  • Left: Vertical Punch
Step-27. Shuffle Step Forward Maintaining the Left Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Left: High Block
Step-28. Step Forward into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Outside Horizontal Middle block
  • Inside Diagonal Strike left
  • Outside Diagonal Strike right
Step-29. Shuffle Step Forward in Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Low block right
  • Vertical punch left.
  • Vertical punch right.
Step-30. Step Back with the right leg and look over the right shoulder
  • Stack both of the sai on left hip
Step-31. Turn CCW into a Right Seisan Dachi in Direction the Kata Began
  • Right: Overhand Strike
Step-32. Step backwards with right leg CW into a horse stance:
  • Left: Outside block [Facing the same direction the kata began]
Step-33. Step forward CCW with the Right Leg into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Right: Thrust Punch with Prongs Vertical
  • Right: Roll the right sai over and down on the attacker’s wrist.
Step-34. Shuffle Forwards Remaining in Seisan Dachi
  • Right: Pull the sai backwards to your hip. [Still pointing forwards.]
  • Left: Punch using the butt of the sai. Hook the adversary’s weapon with the prongs of the sai and pull him/her forwards breaking their balance.
  • Right: Thrust the point of the sai forwards into your opponent’s soft tissue area.
  • Right: Low block moving the opponent’s weapon away from your body.
Step-35. Step Forward into a Right Foot Forward Seisan Dachi
  • Left: Thrust Punch with Prongs Vertical
  • Left: Roll the right sai over and down on the attacker’s wrist.
Step-36. Step Forwards into a Left Foot Forwards Seisan Dachi
  • Left: Pull the sai backwards to your hip. [Still pointing forwards.]
  • Right: Punch using the butt of the sai. Hook the adversary’s weapon with the prongs of the sai and pull him/her forwards breaking their balance.
  • Left: Thrust the point of the sai forwards into your opponent’s soft tissue area.
  • Left: Low block moving the opponent’s weapon away from your body.
Step-37. Shuffle Forward remain in Left Foot Forwards Seisan Dachi:
  • Right: Punch using the butt of the sai.
  • Left: Using the butt of the sai.
Step-38. Step Backwards with the Left Leg into Ready Position:
  • Right and Left: Twin outside middle block.
Step-39. Step into Musubi Dachi
Steo-40. Bow Out
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