AOKK Shi Shi-No-Kun

Series-0: Bow

Series-1 (Circular Attacking)


Pull back into a Cat stance right leg forward:

a. Execute a Vertical Push Block.

Note: The left hand will be on top with forearm horizontal to the floor and the right hand will be low palm out.


Step out into a Seisan dachi on the oblique with the right leg forward:
a: Execute a CCW Vertical Outside Circular strike/block with the front of the Bo.

Note: Swing the Bo overhead CCW, like a helicopter blade stopping the Bo under your armpit

Note: LH is under armpit and RH is in front.

Note: During the Outside strike, the RH is twisted CCW flat with the palm facing the direction of the strike, so the fingers do not wrap around the Bo, so they’re not impacted by the strike/block.

b: Execute a Figure-eight Bo strike and block.

Note: This sequence must be learned from a qualified Isshin-ryu instructor. It is very complex and should flow in one continuous motion.

c: Execute a Vertical strike/block with the backend of the Bo.

Note:  At the end of the figure-eight push the backend of the Bo around CW, with the LH, striking to the opponent’s head. The front of the Bo rests against the outside of the right shoulder. The RH is also pulled back in front of the right shoulder with the LH forward.

d: Execute a Cross-body strike.

Note: Swing the front of the Bo across your body CCW and downward (Crossbody Strike). The LH will be pulled to the hip with the backend of the Bo behind you. Your RH will stop the Bo with the front of the Bo eye-high to your opponent.

e: Execute a Poke Strike.

Note: Push the Bo forwards with the LH and let it slip through the RH (Poke with tip of the Bo).

Note: During the Poke do not move the RH. It simply rolls over the top of the Bo to prevent it from being knocked back into you face.

Note: Do not move the lead because this is a poke and not a thrusting technique. Not moving the hand disguises the technique. In a thrusting strike the lead hand will move forwards, but in a poking technique the lead hand only guides the weapon, so the opponent, if watching your hand placement, will not see the weapon extended.


Pull back until your feet are parallel together and pointing to the left.
a: Execute a Strip.

Note: Turn the front of the Bo in a CW rotation. (Strip) This is a Bo striping technique against your opponent’s weapon.

Note: Curl the Bo against your body. You right wrist must be bent.


Turn 90° CCW and by step backwards, with the right foot, into a left foot forward Seisan dachi on-the-oblique.
a: Execute a Horizontal strike, with the frontend of the Bo to the left.

Note: LH is placed on the hip with the RH forward on the Bo.

b: Execute a Horizontal strike, with the backend of the Bo to the right.

Note: RH is placed on the hip with the LH forward on the Bo.


Step forward into a Seisan dachi on the oblique with the right leg forward:
a: Execute an under-hand strike/block with the front of the Bo.                 
b: Execute a CCW Vertical Outside Circular strike/block with the front of the Bo.
c: Execute a figure-eight Bo strike and block.
d: Execute a Vertical strike/block with the backend of the Bo.
e: Execute a Cross-body strike
f: Execute a Poke Strike


Pull back until your feet are together, and pointing to the left.
a: Execute a Strip.


Turn 180° CCW and step backwards into a left foot forward Seisan dachi on-the-oblique.
a: Execute a Horizontal strike, with the frontend of the Bo to the left.
b: Execute a Horizontal strike, with the backend of the Bo to the right.

Note: Bo tip is held eye high.


Step forward into a Seisan dachi on the oblique with the right leg forward:
a: Execute an under-hand strike/block with the front of the Bo.
b: Execute a CCW Vertical Outside Circular strike/block with the front of the Bo
c: Execute a figure-eight Bo strike and block
d: Execute a Vertical strike/block with the backend of the Bo.
e: Execute a Cross-body strike.
f: Execute a Poke Strike.


Pull back until your feet are together and pointing to the left.
a: Execute a Strip.

Note: Turn the front of the Bo in a CW rotation. This is a Bo striping technique against your opponent’s weapon

Series-2 (Linear Attacking Series)


Turn 90° CW into a Horse Stance.
a: Execute a Low block/strike.

Note: Push the back of the Bo out with the LH and pull he Bo back with the RH (Low Strike/Block).

b: Execute a Low Poke.

Note: Pull the Bo upwards with the RH through the LH. Quickly move the Bo downward, towards the floor, striking with the back tip of the Bo (Reverse Poke).

Note: The Bo slips through the LH. It only guides its motion. Do not move it because this is a poke and not a thrusting technique.


Rotate and square your hips into Seisan dachi on the oblique with the right leg forward.
a: Execute an under-hand strike/block with the front of the Bo.

Note: The LH will rest against the right shoulder and the RH will be low about hip level.

b: Execute a Crossbody strike with the front of the Bo.

Note: Swing the front of the Bo across your body. The RH will be forward, and the LH will rest of the hip.

Note: You’ll be facing the opposite direction that you started.


Step forward into a Seisan dachi on the oblique with the left leg forward:
a: Execute a CW Horizontal Outside Circular strike/block with the front of the Bo

Note: Swing the Bo overhead CCW and the Bo stops under your armpit. LH is under armpit and RH is in front.


Step forward into a Seisan dachi on the oblique with the right leg forward:
a: Execute an under-hand strike/block with the front of the Bo.

Note: The LH will rest against the right shoulder and the RH will be low about hip level.

b: Execute a downward with the backend of the Bo.

Note:  Use the LH to push forward while pulling the RH to your hip.

c: Execute a Crossbody strike with the front of the Bo.

Note: Swing the front of the Bo across your body. The RH will be forward, and the LH will rest of the hip.

d: Execute a poke.

Note: Do not move the RH. It only rotates to the top of the BO to prevent the Bo from being knocked back into your face


Pull back until your feet are together and pointing to the left.
a: Execute a Strip.

Series-3 (Horizontal Two-Hand Strikes)


Step backwards, with the right foot, into a Seisan dachi on-the-oblique left leg forward:
a: Execute a Vertical strike/block with the backend of the Bo.

Note: Swing the Bo CW with the LH and strike with the backend of the Bo. RH is pulled to the hip.

b: Execute a Reverse Poke.

Note: RH lifts the Bo horizontal and pulls the front of the Bo backwards through the LH and slides it forwards through the left. This poke is made with the back of the Bo.  


Step forwards with the right foot until both feet are parallel.
a: Execute the two-hand circular swinging strike CCW.

Note: Side both hands to the back of the Bo. Swing the Bo Horizontally CCW like a baseball bat, and stop it in front o your body.


Step forwards with the left foot into Seisan and then bring the right foot forwards until both feet are parallel once again.
a: Execute the two-hand circular swinging strike CW.

Note: Swing the Bo Horizontally CW like a baseball bat and stop it in front of your body.


Step forward into a Seisan dachi on the oblique with the right leg forward:
a: Execute an under-hand strike/block with the front of the Bo.

Note: The LH will rest against the right shoulder and the RH will be low about hip level.


Step backwards with the right foot and turn sideways until both feet are parallel:
a: Execute a Crossbody strike (Finish in Guarding Position)

Note:  RH pushing forward while pulling the LH to your hip.

Series-4 (One Knee Strikes)


Step back with the right leg and go to one knee. The left leg will be forwards.
a: Change hand position on the Bo.

Note: LH stays back, and RH remains forward, but the hand position is changed.

The thumbs were facing forwards so, they need to be rotated so they face backwards.

b: Execute a Crossbody strike.

Note: Push the back of the Bo upwards with the LH, and the swing, the back of the Bo, across your body. RH will rest on the hip.


While In place step back with the left leg and go to one knee. The right leg will be forwards.
a: Change hand position on the Bo.

Note: RH stays back, and LH remains forward, but the hand position is changed. Push the back of the Bo upwards with the RH, and the swing, the back of the Bo, across your body. LH will rest on the hip.

b: Execute a Crossbody strike.


Stand up in Seisan dachi on-the-oblique. Right foot forward
a: Execute an under-hand strike/block with the front of the Bo.

Note: The LH will rest against the right shoulder and the RH will be low about hip levelo.


Step backwards with the right foot and turn sideways until both feet are parallel:
a: Execute a Crossbody strike (Finish in Guarding Position)

Note: Crossbody strike RH pushing downward while pulling the LH to your hip.

Note: Bo tip is pulled to eye level.

Series-5 (Three Stepping Pokes)


Step forwards with the left foot over the right crane stance, and then step out with the right foot into Seisan dachi on-the-oblique. All one motion.
a: Execute a Poke.

Note: Push the Bo forwards with the LH and let it slip through the RH (Poke with tip of the Bo).


Step backwards with the right foot and turn sideways until both feet are parallel:
a: Pull the Bo back into the guarding position. (Guarding Position)


Step forwards with the left foot over the right crane stance, and then step out with the right foot into Seisan dachi on-the-oblique. All one motion.
a: Execute a Poke.


Step backwards with the right foot and turn sideways until both feet are parallel:
a: Pull the Bo back into the guarding position. (Guarding Position)


Step forwards with the left foot over the right crane stance, and then step out with the right foot into Seisan dachi on-the-oblique. All one motion.
a: Execute a Poke.

Series-6 (Three Strips and Retreat)


Shuffle Backwards in the right foot forward Seisan dachi on-the-oblique.
a: Execute a Strip.

Note: Turn the front of the Bo in a CW rotation. This is a Bo striping technique against your opponent’s weapon


Step backwards with the right foot behind the left in a crane stance:
a: Execute a Strip.

Note: Turn the front of the Bo in a CW rotation. This is a Bo striping technique against your opponent’s weapon.


Step backwards with the left foot and turn sideways until both feet are parallel:
a: Execute a Strip.

Note: Turn the front of the Bo in a CW rotation. This is a Bo striping technique against your opponent’s weapon.

Series-7 (30° Angle Downward Strike & Strip)


Step backwards on a 30° angle with the left foot into Seisan on-the-oblique.
a: Execute a horizontal block above your head.


Step forwards on a 30° angle with the right foot into Seisan on-the-oblique
a: Execute a downward strike with the front of the Bo.

Note: RH forward and LH on the left hip.


Slide the right foot backwards bringing both feet parallel
a: Execute a Strip.

Note: Turn the front of the Bo in a CW rotation. This is a Bo striping technique against your opponent’s weapon.

Series-8 (Thrusting Attack)


Step forwards with the left foot into a crane-stance left over right.
a: Execute a two-hand thrust strike. The focus is striking with the tip of the Bo.

Note: The back of the Bo goes under your armpit.


Step forward into a Seisan dachi on the oblique with the right leg forward:
a: Execute a two-hand thrust strike.

Note: The focus is striking with the tip of the Bo.

Series-9 (Push Block and Strike)


Turn CW on a 45° angle into Seisan dachi on the oblique with the right leg forward:
a: Execute a vertical push block outside the right leg.


Shuffle forwards on the same angle in Seisan dachi on the oblique with the right leg forward:
a: Execute a CCW Vertical Outside Circular Low strike/block with the front of the Bo.

Note: Swing the front of the Bo CCW over your head, like a helicopter, and down into a low block. RH forwards LH under your armpit with the Bo tip pointing at the floor


Shuffle forwards on the same angle in Seisan dachi on the oblique with the right leg forward:
a: Execute a vertical push block outside the right leg.

Series-10 (Fan Blocks and Jumping Retreat)


Turn CCW on a 45° angle into Seisan-dachi right forward:
a: Raise the Bo above your head.


Step forward on a 45° angle into Seisan-dachi right forward:
b: Execute a downward strike with the front of the Bo.  

Note: RH forward and LH on hip.


Move right leg and turn CW back to center into a horse stance:
a: Execute a Fan-Block. Swing the front of the Bo vertical so it faces the ground.

Note: RH will be low LH will be high. Push the bottom of the Bo towards the left shin and the pull it back towards the right shin.

b: Push the Bo over your head and execute a horizontal high block.


Turn CCW with the right leg while jumping and spinning in the air landing in a horse stance:
a: Execute a Fan-Block.


Slide the right foot back bringing both feet parallel:
a: Execute a Strip.

Note: Turn the front of the Bo in a CW rotation. This is a Bo striping technique against your opponent’s weapon.

Series-11 (High Block and Knee Drop Attack )


Step back with the right leg into Seisan-dachi left foot forward:
a: Execute a high horizontal block above your head.

Note: LH forward and RH behind on hip.


Drop down on the right knee:

a: Execute a downward crossbody strike with the front of the Bo.

Note: RH forward and LH behind on hip. Bo tip is held eye high.

b: Change hands and execute a crossbody strike.

Note: The RH takes the place of the LH and the LH takes the place of the RH. The LH will be placed in the front and the RH is placed in the rear. The RH is rests on the right hip.

c: Execute Up-and-Down strike.
d: Execute Side-to-Side strike.

Series-12 (Left Side Attack)


Stand-up in Seisan-dachi left foot forward:
a: Execute a Poke.

Note: Push the Bo forwards with the RH and let it slip through the LH (Poke with tip of the Bo).


Slide the left foot back bringing both feet parallel:
a: Execute a Strip.

Note: Turn the front of the Bo in a CW rotation. This is a Bo striping technique against your opponent’s weapon.

Series-13 (Circular Attacking Series-2)


Step forward with the right leg into Seisan-dachi on-the-oblique:
a: Execute an under-hand strike/block with the front of the Bo.

Note:  The LH will rest against the right shoulder and the RH will be low about hip level.

b: Execute a downward crossbody strike with the front of the Bo.

Note: Pull the Bo back into the guarding position. RH forward and LH behind on hip. Bo tip is held eye high.


Pull back into a Cat stance right leg forward:
a: Execute a Vertical block.

Note: Swing the Bo CW into a guarding block. The left hand will be on top with forearm horizontal to the floor and the right hand will be low.


Step out into a Seisan dachi on the oblique right leg forward:
a: Execute a CCW Vertical Outside Circular strike/block with the front of the Bo
b: Execute a figure-eight Bo strike and block.
c: Execute a Vertical strike/block with the backend of the Bo.

Note: At the end of the figure-eight push the back of the Bo around CW striking with the backend of the weapon level with the opponent’s head. The front of the Bo should be placed against the outside of the right shoulder. The RH is also pulled back to the right shoulder.

d: Execute a Cross-body strike.
e: Execute a Poke Strike.

Note: Do not move the RH. It simply rolls over the top of the Bo to prevent it from being knocked back into you face.


Pull back until your feet are parallel together and pointing to the left.
a: Execute a Strip.

Note: Turn the front of the Bo in a CW rotation. This is a Bo striping technique against your opponent’s weapon.

Note: Curl the Bo against your body. You right wrist must be bent.


Turn 90° CCW and step backwards into a left foot forward Seisan dachi on-the-oblique.
a: Execute a Horizontal strike, with the frontend of the Bo to the left.

Note: LH is placed on the hip with the RH forward on the Bo.

b: Execute a Horizontal strike, with the backend of the Bo to the right.

Note: RH is placed on the hip with the LH forward on the Bo.


Step forwards into Seisan-dachi, on-the-oblique, with the right leg forward.
a: Execute an under-hand strike/block with the front of the Bo.
b: Execute a CCW Vertical Outside Circular strike/block with the front of the Bo
c: Execute a figure-eight Bo strike and block.
d: Execute a Vertical strike/block with the backend of the Bo.

Note: At the end of the figure-eight push the back of the Bo around CW striking with the backend of the weapon level with the opponent’s head. The front of the Bo should be placed against the outside of the right shoulder. The RH is also pulled back to the right shoulder.

e: Execute a Cross-body strike.
f: Execute a Poke Strike.

Note: Do not move the RH. It simply rolls over the top of the Bo to prevent it from being knocked back into you face.


Pull back until your feet are together and pointing to the left.
a: Execute a Strip.

Note: Turn the front of the Bo in a CW rotation. This is a Bo striping technique against your opponent’s weapon.


Turn 180° CCW and step backwards into a left foot forward Seisan dachi on-the-oblique.
a: Execute a Horizontal strike, with the frontend of the Bo to the left.
b: Execute a Horizontal strike, with the backend of the Bo to the right.


Step forwards into Seisan-dachi on-the-oblique, with the right leg forward.
a: Execute an under-hand strike/block with the front of the Bo.
b: Execute a CCW Vertical Outside Circular strike/block with the front of the Bo
c: Execute a figure-eight Bo strike and block.
d: Execute a Vertical strike/block with the backend of the Bo.

Note: At the end of the figure-eight push the back of the Bo around CW striking with the backend of the weapon level with the opponent’s head. The front of the Bo should be placed against the outside of the right shoulder. The RH is also pulled back to the right shoulder.

e: Execute a Cross-body strike.
f: Execute a Poke Strike.


Pull back until your feet are together and pointing to the left.
a: Execute a Strip.

Note: Turn the front of the Bo in a CW rotation. This is a Bo striping technique against your opponent’s weapon.

Series-14 (Low Redirect and Poke)


Turn 90° towards your kata staring point into left foot forward Seisan-dachi on-the oblique:
a: Execute a low block with backside of the Bo.

Note: LH is low, and RH is high.

Note: This looks like you’re stirring a pot.

b: Execute a circular redirection. Turn the back of the Bo in a CW rotation.
c: Execute a Poke.

Note: Pull the Bo upwards with the RH and execute a poke downwards towards the floor.

Note: Slide the Bo through the LH.

Series-15 (Circular Attacking Series-3)


Step forward into a Seisan dachi on the oblique with the right leg forward:
a: Execute an under-hand strike/block with the front of the Bo.

Note: The LH will rest against the right shoulder and the RH will be low about hip level.

b: Execute a Cross-body strike.

Note: Swing the front of the Bo across your body CCW and downward (Crossbody Strike). The LH will be pulled to the hip with the back of the Bo behind you. Your RH will stop the Bo with the front of the Bo eye-high to your opponent.


Pull back into a Cat stance right leg forward:
a:  Execute a Vertical Push Block.

Note: Swing the Bo CW into a guarding block. The left hand will be on top with forearm horizontal to the floor and the right hand will be low


Step forward into a Seisan-dachi, on the oblique, with the right leg forward

a: Execute a CCW Overhead Vertical Outside Circular strike/block with the front of the Bo.

Note: Swing the Bo overhead CCW and the Bo stops under your armpit. LH is under armpit and RH is in front.


Step backwards pulling both feet parallel:
a: Execute a figure-eight Bo strike and block.

Note: At the end of the figure-eight push the back of the Bo around CW striking with the backend of the weapon level with the opponent’s head. The front of the Bo should be placed against the outside of the right shoulder. The RH is also pulled back to the right shoulder.

b: Chamber the Front of the Bo for a downward horizonatl strike/block with the frontend of the Bo.



Step forward into a Seisan dachi on-the-oblique with the right leg forward.
a: Downward Bo strike/block.

Note: The strike will be made while in Seisan. Swing the front of the Bo across your body downward (Crossbody Strike). The LH will be pulled to the hip with the back of the Bo behind you. Your RH will stop the Bo with the front of the Bo eye-high to your opponent.

b: Execute a Thrusting Strike.

Note: The strike is made with the tip of the Bo.

Note: The right leg is forward.


Shuffle further backward and remain in Seisan dachi on-the-oblique with the right leg forward:
a: Execute a Bo Deflection CW.
b: Raise the Bo above your left shoulder and strike down CCW.

Note: The attacker pokes at you. Deflect the attacker’s bo up and outside the body, and follow by striking back down and around the attacker’s bo  on the attacker’s wrist or weapon.


Step forwards into musuba-dachi:
a: Execute a crossbody downward strike with the backend of the Bo.

Note: The LH will be forwards and the RH will be pulled to the hip

b: Roll the Bo under the armpit vertically and bow out.
c. Bow out
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