[12.1.1] Tokomini Bunkai Section-12 (Rising Block and Over the Shoulder Thrust aka Stab the Fish)

[12.1.1] Tokomini Bunkai Section-12 (Rising Block and Over the Shoulder Thrust aka Stab the Fish)
Note: The Bo can be wielded like a spear. A spear is thrust forwards normally because there is a blade attached to the end of the weapon. The Bo can be thrust in a similar manner. The Bo tip is driven down into the solar-plexus or groin. It is a similar motion to that used to spear fish.
Note: The more typical method of using the Bo is to thrust or poke. In both scenarios the weapon is heled under the armpit or press against the outside of one’s biceps. In this scenario the weapon is held above the shoulder and thrust downward. The position of the attacker’s weapon is important. The blow can be delivered over the top of the attacker’s weapon and between the hands of the opponent or it can be inserted under the attacker’s weapon. Many instructors teach circular motion with the tip of the Bo and not a linear one. In either regard the Bo stops outside the bicep of the rear arm.
Note: In Isshin-ryu the Bo is normally tucked under the armpit, but many Okinawan systems keep the Bo on the outside of the biceps. The belief for this action is that the Bo is supposed to protect your arm and your arm is not supposed to protect the Bo. In this scenario the weapon rests outside the biceps.
- Strikes downward with the front of their Bo at a 45° angle.
- Step back into a Cat Stance to create distance while raising the Bo upwards blocking the blow with the front end of the weapon.
- Continue raising the Bo until it is over your shoulder.
- Thrust it downward.
Note: If the attacker’s weapon is driven upwards drive the weapon under the attacker’s Bo, but if the opponent’s weapon is still in a modified guarding position drive your Bo over the adversary’s weapon.