[16.1.1] Tokomini Bunkai Section-16 (45° Overhead Horizontal Strike, Circular Disarm, 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike)

[16.1.1] Tokomini Bunkai Section-16 (45° Overhead Horizontal Strike, Circular Disarm, 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike)
Note: This big circular move has been interpreted different ways. There are two similar interpretations that seem most plausible to me. The first is similar to a move I learned in fencing where your weapon encircles the opponent’s weapon for a disarm and a thrusting attack. In this bunkai you execute a forty-five-degree overhead strike and not a thrust. The key to the first disarm is the opponent releasing the weapon after you strike their hand. The other is a more realistic disarm where the opponent does not release the weapon. Both versions are plausible, but the second version is more likely to happen in a real confrontation. This is the first version. In both cases your initial attack is blocked by a vertical push block.
Note: This is the ideal scenario. Ideal scenarios rarely occur except in the movies.
- Strike with the rear of the Bo and continue the attack as you are swinging the front of weapon over your head executing a 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike to begin scenario.
Note: The strike is directed to the adversary’s hand.
- Blocks 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike with Vertical Push Block.
Note: The 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike is made with the top or Rear of the Bo when it is inverted. This allows for a counterattack with the front of the weapon to the opponent’s lower body.
- After the adversary’s hand is struck, he/she releases their grasp with the hand struck on the weapon.
- Press the front of the Bo against the top most part of the adversary’s weapon.
- Begin the circular disarm and push their Bo clockwise.
- Push their Bo clockwise until you can clear their weapon and strike with the rear of your weapon.
- Swing the Bo overhead and follow with another 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike to the attacker’s head.