[16.1.2] Tokomini Bunkai Section-16 (45° Overhead Horizontal Strike, Circular Disarm, 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike)

[16.1.2] Tokomini Bunkai Section-16 (45° Overhead Horizontal Strike, Circular Disarm, 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike)
Note: This big circular move has been interpreted different ways. There are two similar interpretations that seem most plausible to me. The first is similar to a move I learned in fencing where your weapon encircles the opponent’s weapon for a disarm and a thrusting attack. In this bunkai you execute a forty-five-degree overhead strike and not a thrust. The key to the first disarm is the opponent releasing the weapon after you strike their hand. The other is a more realistic disarm where the opponent does not release the weapon. Both versions are plausible, but the second version is more likely to happen in a real confrontation. This is the second version. In both cases your initial attack is blocked by a vertical push block.
- Strike with the rear of the Bo and continue the attack as you are swinging the front of weapon over your head executing a 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike to begin scenario.
- Blocks 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike with Vertical Push Block.
Note: The 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike is made with the top or Rear of the Bo when it is inverted. This allows for a counterattack with the front of the weapon to the opponent’s lower body.
- Slide the front of the weapon down the adversary’s Bo after contacting their weapon and strike his/her hand.
Note: This is a distraction and is intended to injure the opponent’s hand.
- Begin the circular disarm and push their Bo clockwise.
Note: If you do not push their Bo away the adversary will be able to strike you with the front of their Bo. This protects you from a lower body counterstrike.
Note: As you begin the disarm the front of your weapon will move towards the end of his/her weapon.
- Push their Bo clockwise until you can clear their weapon and strike with the rear of your weapon
- Will pull their Bo back into position to block the strike with the rear of your Bo.
- Immediately after the adversary blocks the rear of you weapon swing the Bo overhead and follow with another 45° Overhead Horizontal Strike to the attacker’s head.
Note: In the kata the weapon circles the opponent’s weapon almost two complete revolutions. This is valid for the disarm if the attacker releases their weapon, but it is not valid if they maintain control of the Bo, so it in necessary to truncate the technique.