[9.1.1] Tokomini Bunkai Section-9 (Vertical Up/Down Strike)

[9.1.1] Tokomini Bunkai Section-9 (Vertical Up and Down Strike)
Note: This is one of the sets of blocking and striking techniques found prominently in Tokomini. You must understand this is a two-sided weapon. This bunkai is a method of practicing the vertical up and down striking technique.
- Thrust the Bo forwards.
- Vertical Push Block the opponent’s thrust outside your body.
- As you’re returning to the guarding position strike with the front of the Bo to the opponent’s hand, fingers, or wrist.
- Push the front of your weapon under the adversary’s wrist and pull his/her hand free.
Note: you may need to push the front of the Bo forwards and strike the opponent’s ribs before pulling backwards.
- Rotate the rear of the Bow over your shoulder vertically and strike the groin.
- If you miss the groin, continue the vertical motion and strike to the adversary’s chin.
Note: The chin can be the target.
- Reverse direction and drive the front of the weapon into the adversary’s head or collarbone.
- Continue the downward trajectory of the weapon and drive the opponent’s Bo into the ground.
- Stomp on the adversary’s weapon before he/she can pull it into a guarding position.
Note: The best way to subdue and adversary is to disarm them. During practice, do not stomp the fellow student’s weapon. Place your foot on the weapon in an effort to develop the body mind connection.
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