[4.4.2] Chinto Section-1: Counter to a Lapel Grasp

[4.4.2] Section-4 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grab

[Source:] [AOKK Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
Rating: Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Lapels
Part-2 Defender: Place the attacker in a Cross Lapel Choke.
  • Shoot your hands inside or outside the attacker’s arms and strike his/her chin.
  • Run your arms between the attacker’s arms.
  • Place the attacker in a Cross Lapel Choke.
Part-3 Attacker: Pulls Away from Choke
  • Grasp the Defender’s wrist and pull backwards from the choke.
Part-4 Defender: Pushes Attacker Away and Jump Kicks.
  • Release the choke and push the attacker backwards.
  • Jumping kick to the attacker’s chin.

Note: This is a knock out.

Note: If you’re too close use a jumping knee.

[End Series]

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