[13.3.0] Sunsu Bunkai Section-13 : Counter to a Lapel Grasp or Two Hand Choke

[13.3.0] Section-13 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grasp

[Source:] [Isshin-Ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] Basic


When an attacker grabs your lapels, it is to control your movement or to set up a throw. The problem for the attacker is that he/she has two weapons tied up while yours are free. Immediately double punch an opponent that grasps your lapels before they can thro you. If the attacker underhooks or wraps around your neck you may need to use elbows.

Part-1 Attacker: Attacker Grasps Your Lapels
  • This is the beginning of a throw.
Part-2 Defender:
  • “U’ Shape strike over the attacker’s arms
  • Twin fore-fist punches to between the attacker’s arms to the attacker’s jaw.

Note: This strike will push away the attacker’s arms as the strike is delivered and break their grip.

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