[6.2.1] Seisan Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch

[6.2.1] Section-6 Kaishaku: Counter to Middle/Reverse Punch
[Source:] Isshin ryu Black Belt
[Rating:] Difficult
Part-1 Attacker: Middle Punches
- Attacker throws a straight right.
Part-2 Defender: Throw
- Grasp the attacker punch and pull it to your waist.
- Trap Attacker’s wrist with your RH.
- Wristlock or Back Knuckle Strike LH.
Note: What looks like a middle block is done to increase pressure on the wristlock. If you cannot access the wristlock, use a back knuckle strike to the attacker to loosen him/her up.
- If you do not get the wristlock, grasp the back of the attacker’s collar LH.
- Turn 90° while stepping behind Uke and reaping his/her leg. (O-soto-gari or O-soto-otoshi)
The stacking of hands, in a kata in many cases, indicates a trapping of a locked joint, or the pulling of the attacker forward. The downward motion towards the obi disrupts the attacker’s balance. This lock or disruption of the attacker’s centerline balance is normally followed with a throw. This can also be seen in Dr. Yang’s Book Shaolin Chin-Na p.54. We site this because Kyan sensei was trained in Shorin-Ryu. Shorin-Ryu is the Okinawan pronunciation of Shaolin.
Theory: Locks are only temporary positions and must be followed by another technique like throw.
(Cont. 7.4.1)
Information: Continued in 7.4.1 as the attacker regains their footing. Your response is a one-two technique with a snap kick to the groin and a straight for the knockout.
Warning: It is against the law to punch and kick an adversary that is down and incapacitated. You will go to jail or be sued… maybe both.