[2.1.2] Seisan Bunkai Section-2: Counter to a Middle Punch

[2.1.2] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lead Hand Middle Punch
[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt [Video]
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1: Attacker: Steps Forward and Lead-hand Punches to the Middle
Part-2 Defender: Middle Blocks
- Middle block with the left hand. (LH)
Part-3 Attacker: Throws a Reverse Punch (after the lead punch makes contact)
Part-4 Defender Hammer-fist Block and Punches
- Hammer-fist block the second punch with the same hand that delivered the middle block as it is being pulled back to be chambered on your hip. (LH)
- As the hammer-fist block is being chambered launch a reverse punch to the attacker’s solar-plexus. (RH)
Rule: When the hand returns to the obi it is grasping and pulling something.
Note: This technique would be an exception to the rule.
Theory: According to the instructor on the video, this is a natural progression because the arm that made the middle block must be brought back to the chambered position. He proposes that during the chambering process the second block is made. This is to open the attacker up to your counter strike. Both the second block and counter strike must be almost simultaneous utilizing the push-pull methodology taught to karate students from day one. In my opinion you’ll need to be very fast to be successful with this technique, but the AOKK practices this type of block and counter in our tiger boxing drills.

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