[2.1.2] Seiunchin Bunkai Section-2: Counter to a Lapel Grab

[2.1.2] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grab
[Source:] AOKK Isshin-ryu Black-belt]
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1: Attacker Grabs Lapels (and tries to choke or throw you)
Part-2: Defender: Palm-Heel Strike to chin and Wedge Blocks
- Drive your arms between the attackers.
- Twin palm-heel strike under the attacker’s chin.
- Wedge block or push the attacker’s arms outward.
Theory: This kata is performed with tension during the wedge-block and there is also tension during the simultaneous low blocks. The reason you perform a technique with tension is because it is a power technique. Tension uses isometric exercise to build the muscles needed to overpower your adversary. Snapping or quick moves imply that the impact from the blow causes the adversary to release their grip. In Okinawa tension moves are sometime practiced using weights to further strengthen the muscles needed to perform the move.
Part-3 Attacker: Maintains Grabs of Lapels
Part-4 Defender Wedges Downward and Hammer-fist Strike Removes Attacker’ Grasp
- Drive your forearms over the top of the attacker’s wrists to remove his/her grip.
- Push the attacker’s arms downward with the hammer fist strikes and grasp his/her wrists.
Note: If the attacker is able to pull one hand free, the hammer fists can also be used to block a second punch by either of the attacker’s hands.
Part-5 Defender Palm-heel Strikes Under Chin and Spear-finger Strikes
- Palm-heel strike under the attacker’s chin.
- Ridge-hand strike under the attacker’s chin.
- Grasp the attacker’s hair.
- Turn the attacker’s head and pull it forward and down.
- Spear-finger strike to the attacker’s throat or palm-heel strike the chin or temple.
Theory: If your hand goes behind the opponent’s head and grasps their hair or hooks their neck, you can control their movement or direction by moving their head.
Theory: If the spear-finger strike is palm up it indicates a strike to the opponent’s throat. If the palm is pointing downward the fingers can be hyper extended when the adversary instinctively reacts to the blow and drops their chin.
[End Series]