[2.2.1] Seiunchin Bunkai Section-2: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch

[2.2.1] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch

[Source:] AOKK Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] Difficult
Part-1 Attacker: Throws a Lead-hand Punch
Part-2 Defender: Ridge-hand Blocks first Punch

Theory: Per a Master of Isshin-ryu when twin techniques are thrown simultaneously it only means they are quickly following one after the other.

Theory: The first forearm remains in place to protect the centerline targets.

  • Turn on a 45° angle.
  • Ridge-hand blocks the first punch.
Part-3 Attacker: Throws a Rear-hand Punch
Part-4 Defender Ridge-hand Blocks the Second Punch
  • Ridge-hand blocks the second punch.

Theory: As the blow is redirected the shoulder also is used to block the strike. Elbows, shoulders, forearms, and hands are also utilized in the defending process.

Part-5 Attacker: Grabs and Knees
Part-6 Defender Low Blocks First Knee
  • Low block the first knee-strike.
Part-7 Attacker Grabs and Knees
Part-8 Defender Low Blocks First Knee
  • Low block the second knee-strike.                                       
Part-9 Attacker Punches
Part-10 Defender Ridge-hand Blocks and Palm-heel Strikes (Attacker’s Ribs)
  • Ridge- hand strike to block the punch.
  • Grasp the attacker’s arm, so he/she cannot escape.
  • Palm-heel strike the attacker’s ribs.

[End Series]

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