[2.2.2] Seiunchin Bunkai Section-2: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch

[2.2.2] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch
[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] Basic
Note: This series only contains the first few techniques, and is not at elaborate as the other bunkai, yet this is a viable self-defense sequence. You do not use the twin version of the technique. You are using one side only. A few Okinawan karate instructors believe that the kata demonstrates that the sequence could be performed on either side by use of the twin wedge and hammer-fist blocks. This is the most distilled version of the first moves within Seiuchin that I’ve seen, but I like it.
Theory: This portion of techniques deals again with the concept that you’re fighting from the side. The difference between 2.2.0 is that you’re stepping backwards instead of forwards. Increasing distance is another form of body evasion, but it is the least effective. Remember an attacker can move forward faster than he/she can move backwards. In other words an aggressive opponent will run you down.
Part-1 Attacker: Punches
Part-2 Defender: Ridge-Hand Block, Trap, and Spear-finger Strike
- Step backwards to increase distance.
- Ridge-hand Block (LH) and Ridge-hand block (RH) outside your body in a “V” shape. (Ridge-hand)
- Trap (LH) the attacker’s wrist before he/she can pull it back. (Low Block)
- Pull the attacker off balance and down breaking his/her balance forwards (LH).
- Palm-up spear-finger strike or shuto strike to the attacker’s throat (RH).
Theory: In kaishaku or interpretation, when the spear finger strike is high and palm up, it is a strike to the throat. This strike is palm up because the natural response is to drop the chin when the throat is struck. Dropping the chin can cause your fingers to be hyper extended if your palm is facing down when you deliver this strike. Palm up lower strikes can also be belt control. If the arm is circled, it could imply this is a groin strike.