[2.3.1] Seisan Bunkai Section-2: Counter to a Reach for Your Clothing

[2.3.1] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Reach for Your Clothing
[Source:] AOKK Black-Belt
[Rating:] Basic
The importance of this portion of bunkai is to show that a middle block can be more than what it appears to be on the surface. In this interpretation of the bunkai, it is a strike and grab. When the attacker reaches for you, it is to follow with a punch or to set-up a throw. At the very minimum they wish to control your movement. You must react quickly, or the attacker will gain the upper hand. In the kata the punch appears to be to the solar plexus, but in reality, using the attacker’s momentum they can be pulled forward and down opening them up to a blow to the face.
Information: When an adversary touches you that is an assault, and you can respond to the threat.
Bunkai should be short and sweet. Make it too complex and it will not work. What looks good with a pliable opponent for demonstration will not normally be effective in a life preservation situation.
Part-1 Attacker: Reaches to Grab You
- Attacker reaches to grab your clothing or grasps your lapel.
Note: This is to control your movement, punch you, or to aid in throwing you to the ground.
Part-2 Defender: Grabs
- Wrap your arm around the attacker’s arm and place him/her in an elbow/shoulder lock. (LH)
Note: The movement is exactly as demonstrated in kata.
- Vertical snap punch to the attacker’s solar plexus. (RH)
[End Series]