[4.3.3] Seiunchin Bunkia Section-4: Counter to a Lapel Grab

[4.3.3] Section-4 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grab
[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt [Old Bunkai]
Information: This is a moderate bunkai. It also has many moving parts, but it has a more natural flow. The bunkai uses a lot of wristlocks both inner and outer, and in a real situation the wristlocks are like extras for your car for example leather bucket seats. The leather seats are nice but not wholly necessary because cloth seats will suffice. Control the wrist limiting the attacker’s movement and the bunkai still works. The self-defense inside the bunkai is fluid. Maybe you only use the wristlock or the portion that pulls the attacker off balance. In self-defense the bunkai was not written in stone, so that every technique must be applied in order. Bunkai is simply suggestions of what to try if attacked in a certain way. No one can predict exactly how an assailant will respond once the counterattack is implemented. You may only get to apply a portion of the self-defense before you need to change directions.
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Lapel
Note: If an attacker is grabbing your wrist, he/she is going to drag you controlling your movement, so they can strike or throw you.
Part-2 Defender: Trap the Attacker’s Wrist and Pull into Cat Stance Back- Knuckle.
- Trap the attacker’s fist, so they cannot escape your circle of personal combat.
Note: You need a loosening up technique like a slap, ridge-hand, or circular punch to get the opponent to loosen their grip.
- After the trap, pull the attacker forwards to break their balance and strike downwards on their forearm.
Note: The attacker will naturally try to pull backwards, so use that movement.
- Strike with the forearm or back knuckle.
- Execute an outer wristlock.
- Control the attacker’s wrist and push the lock upwards and forwards.
Note: The wristlock gets his/her focus on pulling the hand free thus setting up the hammer fist or back knuckle strike to the head.
Information: The attacker may not bend down, so you may need a high back-knuckle strike in place of the low back knuckle or hammer fist.
Part-3 Defender Low Back-knuckle/ Hammer-fist Strikes and Control the Attacker’s Wrist.
- Change hand control from (LH) to (RH).
- Step forward in a horse stance.
- Low Back-knuckle strike to the opponent’s head (Temple).(LH)
Note: As the hand is chambering for the back knuckle, you can slap the opponent as the hand moves into place.
Part-4 Defender: Back-knuckle Strikes and Control the Attacker’s Wrist.
- Place the trapped arm in a figure-four lock.
- Step backwards in a horse stance and throw the opponent.
[End Series]