[2.2.0] Chinto Bunkai Section-2: Counter to a Thrust from a Bo (Staff)

[2.2.0] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Thrust from a Bo (Staff)
[Source:] AOKK Isshin-Ryu Black Belt
Rating: Basic
In kata it is almost always assumed that you’re fighting another adversary in single combat. In this bunkai, we see that these same techniques will work effectively against a weapon. The key to defending yourself against the Bo or any weapon is you must first control the weapon. A Bo (staff) is a long-distance weapon, meaning that you can strike an opponent without getting too close, so to defend yourself, you must get in close and grasp the weapon. Once your hands are on the weapon you must strike. When you are using a Sai against a Bo you must also get inside and use the Sai to strike at the hands of the opponent.
Part-1 Attacker: Thrusts the Bo Tip Forwards
- Attacker strikes thrusts with a bo or staff at you like a spear.
Information: Not all Kaishaku deals with assailant’s that is unarmed. In this particular version there is a great deal of trapping and re-trapping of the weapon. Also thrusting the bo is a common tactic, so you should be prepared for this type of attack with and without a weapon.
Part-2 Defender: Trap the Weapon, Spear-finger
- Step on a forty-five-degree angle to avoid the attack.
- Draw back into a cat stance to increase distance.
- Parry the strike sideways with the left-hand. (LH)
- Execute X-block slightly to side with the to trap or control the weapon. (RH)
Note: Attacker’s weapon is trapped with X-block
- Roll hand over and grasp attacker’s weapon with left-hand. (LH)
Theory: The first rule in weapon defense is to always control the weapon. In this bunkai there is always one hand on the weapon. You change hands to teach you that this is possible. In a real confrontation you may not be able to change hands in your effort to control the weapon, so hang on. Never lift both hands from the weapon. Always have at least one hand on the weapon. The second you release the weapon the attacker will pull it away.
- Strike under arm pit or to the throat with horizontal spear-finger strike right-hand. (RH)
- Grasp the weapon with your right-hand. (RH)
- Back-knuckle strike to the attacker’s face pulling the weapon (bo) forward. (LH)
- Grasp the weapon with your left-hand. (LH)
- Hook-Punch over weapon to Xiphoid process. (RH)
Theory: The Bo is an important part of Isshin-ryu karate. Still a club would be a more accessible weapon, and one that a karateka would need to defend against.
Information: In the 8mm black and white films, Tatsuo Shimabuku does not move the X-block to the side, so most instructors have speculated that this is a defense against a punch. I have seen bunkai for both.
Information: Eight pounds of pressure will break this bone. Once this bone is broken it becomes difficult to wield a weapon.