[3.3.0] Seisan Bunkai Section-3: Counter to a Lapel Grab

[3.3.0] Section-3 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grab
[Source:] [Jujitsu Black-belt]
[Rating:] Difficult
Information: In karate we think too much with our fists. Looking at this technique from that perspective this is simply two punches. I’m not saying that a good one-two combination is not necessary to complete a student’s education in the fighting skills, but sometimes we need to think outside the box. I Like this interpretation because it opens up the possibility that there is more ways to win a fight than always using only your fists. Tuite is one of those avenues. A few sensei have been roasted for suggesting that there is more to bunkai than punching and kicking. I believe the old masters were open to using any technique that worked.
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs your Lapel
- When someone grasps your lapel, it is to control your movement, set-up a punch, or to set-up a throw. You must react the moment you’ve been touched.
Part-2 Defender: Thumb Locks
- Drive your hands under the attacker’s thumbs and place them in thumb-lock position.
- Push the thumb, on the attacker’s hand, forward quickly in an attempt to hyperextend the joint.
Information: This joint lock looks like a vertical snap punch.
- As the attacker steps backwards, you step forwards and drive a reverse punch to their solar plexus.
Note: You must step forwards to remain in range.
Opinion: This is a low success technique, but it is an option demonstrating possible tuite.