[7.2.0& 8.2.0] Seisan Bunkai Section 7&8: Counter to One-Two Technique

[7.2.0] Second Kaishaku: Counter to One-Two Technique
[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Comment: In a few series the techniques are blatantly apparent. This is one of those series. In karate there was a one-punch and one-kill mystique found in kaishaku. This series of techniques show that the past masters were well aware of the need for multiple strikes. The one-two punches in this group are unique in karate kata. Most kata live in the realm of block then punch, but this series is a rapid-fire delivery of combinations. In real combat you must be able to deliver a multi-level attack and this series reinforces that concept. As it is practiced over and over the series gets imprinted on the karateka’s brain. Thus, when it is called upon it can flow without thought.
Part-1 Attacker: Executes First Punch
Part-2 Defender: Middle Block
- Middle block the punch. (LH)
- Execute a reverse punch. (RH)
Part-3 Attacker: Executes Second of the Two Punches
Part-4 Defender: Reverse Punch
- Execute a lead-hand punch inside second punch. (LH)
- Before the attacker can respond, kick him/her in the groin with a shin kick.
Rule: Strike high to set-up a strike low.
- When the attacker leans forwards, execute another middle vertical snap punch. (RH)
Information: In the kata you stack your hands and turn 180°.
Theory: When you stack hand it could mean you’ve placed the adversary in a wrist lock for a throw. This could also simply be setting up the next series of technique.
Theory: This is the first multiple strike combination in the kata. Many students train to deliver one punch, but Seisan shows a barrage of blows. In all fights you’ll need to administer multiple blows.