[8.2.0] Seisan Bunkai Section-8: Counter to a Wrist Grasp

[8.2.0] Section-8 Kaishaku: Counter to a Wrist Grasp

[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] What-if Scenarios
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Wrist
Part-2 Defender: Snake-Hand Escape and Middle Block 
  • Snake hand escape (attack the thumb) and grasp the attacker’s wrist. (RH)
  • Drop your center of gravity by stepping into a Seiuchin dachi.
  • Pull attackers hand to your obi [Series wrist lock if possible. (RH)
  • Slide your left hand under the attacker’s arm and tie-off. (LH)
  • Execute a middle block technique to break the attacker’s balance. (LH)
  • Throw the attacker with (Tani-otoshi).

Information: Counterattack Variations

[Variation-of-Technique] One: is to strike the attackers elbow for dislocation

[Variation-of-Technique] Two: is to strike to the face (Back fist).

[Variation-of-Technique] Three: is to step behind the attacker after pulling his/her wrist to your obi and execute a Scooping throw.

[Variation-of-Technique] Four: go over the top of the trapped arm and drop the elbow on the attacker’s collarbone or sternum.

[End Series]

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