[9.7.0, 10.2.0] Seisan Bunkai Section-9 & 10: Counter to a Trapped Back-knuckle with Wrist Release

[9.7.0] Seisan Section-9 Kaishaku: (Counter to a Trapped Back-knuckle)
[Source:] AKKA Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1 Offensive Technique: Back-Knuckle Strike
- Shuffle forward and strike with back-fist.
Part-2 Attacker Grabs Back-fist (after blow makes contact)
- Attacker grabs the back-knuckle.
Part-3 Defender: Front Kick
- Pull backwards and shift into a back-stance or cat stance. This is to strengthen your position. This will pull the attacker off balance, so his/her natural reaction will be to pull in the opposite direction with equal or greater force.
- Step forward into a crane or X stance. This makes the attacker think they’re winning the tug-of-war, but you’re loading up for a front-kick to the groin.
- As the attacker pulls harder release and drive the front kick using the momentum created by the attacker’s pulling.
Theory: Stepping into a crane-stance allows the attacker to believe he/she is winning the contest of strength while all the time you’re setting them up for kick that will take away their wind. This is also a good technique to use if your adversary is stronger than you are and is capable of pulling around. Target area can be either the solar-plexus or the groin.
Information: This technique can be used by a women or child if an attacker is trying to pull them into a car or around a corner. Resist their pull while loading the crane-stance and blast them in the solar-plexus. When they release their grip, you must run away screaming for help. Practice this series with your children until they understand when and how to apply the technique.
[10.2.0] Section-10 Kaishaku: Counter to a Wrist Grab
Part-1 Attacker: Holding onto Your Wrist (after the back-knuckle)
Part-2 Defender: Low Blocks to Remove the Attacker’s Grip
- The low block will break the attackers grip by putting pressure on his/her thumb as you rotate counterclockwise. If the attacker maintains the grip, he/she will find himself/herself in a wristlock.
Theory: Roll the fist over the attacker’s grasp as you low block. It’s this roll that attacks the aggressor’s thumb and forces them to release their grip. Do not try to pull your arm backwards simply roll it in a circle. Don’t get trapped in liner thinking. A block is not always a block.
- The last technique in this series is a vertical punch to the: throat, nose, solar plexus, collarbone, or the nerve cluster at the end of the collarbone located by the shoulder joint. The nerve cluster in the arm will shut down if the arm is struck correctly. This is a disarming technique. That means the attacker can no longer mount a full attack because something is not working like his arm.