[3.4.0] Kusanku Bunkai Section-3: Counter to a Lapel Grasp

[3.4.0] Kusanku Section-3 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grasp
Hanto kata: [IWKA Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Note: This bunkai does not incorporate the 180° turn. You’re simply facing an attacker as they lunge forwards.
Part-1 Attacker: Lunge Punch or Grasp
- The attacker steps forward and lead hand punches or grabs your clothing.
Note: When someone grabs you it is to set-up a throw or to keep you from moving out of the range of combat. This means he/she will follow the grasp with a punch, so your reaction must be instantaneous. Also after landing the punch they can grasp your clothing with the same hand.
Part-2 Defender: Trap, Back-knuckle, and Front Kick
Note: According to Master Harold Mitchum not all simultaneous technique in kata actually happen simultaneously. In Many cases they simply follow in rapid succession. This is how a real fight will progress.
- Pull back into a cat-stance to create distance while striking downward on the attacker’s grasping hand.
- Push the hand downward to your hip and trap the attacker’s hand as you pull backwards.
Note: Pulling backwards breaks the attacker’s balance and prevents a throw.
Note: Control the attacker’s wrist or hand to prevent him/her from exiting the circle of combat.
- Back-knuckle the attacker’s temple or nose (RH).
Part-3 Attacker: Pulls Away
Note: The natural reaction to being pulled forwards and being struck is to pull backwards.
Part-4 Defender: Snap kicks to the Groin or Bladder
- Snap kick to the attacker’s groin as they pull away.
Note: If you’re too close, to the adversary drive a knee into his/her groin/bladder.

Part-5 Defender: Alternative Bunkai (Turn and Throw)
Alternative Bunkai: The first interpretation is a solid basic interpretation of the movements and adding the neck lock and throw places this in the “Difficult” rating arena, but it also makes the bunkai more effective. Master Harold Mitchum would call this adding a suffix to the series of techniques. He had no reservation about this, but he would also warn you not to add these additions to the kata. Unfortunately, some of these bunkai options have found their way into the regional Isshin-ryu forms.
- After back knuckle, grasp the attacker’s chin twist their neck (Neck Lock).
Note: If you cannot reach around and grasp the neck, grasp the back of the attacker’s collar.
- Kick the attacker’s supporting leg and step behind the attacker.
- Using the neck lock throw them with (Tai-otoshi or O-goshi.)
Rule: The body always follows the head.
Rule: When your turn 180° into a guarding position, it can be a throw.
[End Series]