[10.1.1] Kusanku BUnkai Section-10: Counter to a High Punch

[10.1.1] Kusanku Section-10 Kaishaku: Counter to a High Punch
[Source:] [AOKK Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1 Attacker: High Punches
- Right Hand punches to your face
Part-2 Defender: Parry-Block and Shuto
- Turn into Seiuchin-dachi or Shiko-dachi to avoid the punch.
- Parry the punch with the lead hand or left hand.
- Trap the strike over your parry block with the second hand.
Note: Turning sideways removes all centerline targets.
Theory: The conclusion of this technique looks like an “X” block, but it is two almost simultaneous techniques.
Information: In the Midwest this move in the kata looks like two separate strikes that from an “X” when the movements are complete. Harold Mitchum executes the “X” block as one single technique. The way this technique is performed changes the meaning of its bunkai. The “X” can be a block while the two-step execution describes a parry and trap.
Part-3 Defender: Shuto-Block, Shuto-Strike, and Kick
- Pull the attacker’s punch upward as you rotate into a crane stance. (Rear Hand)
Note: It is natural for the attacker to grasp your arm. When he/she does that it makes kicking more stable. The weakness of a kick is that you’re on one leg and your balance is easily compromised, but when they grasp you it gives you two points of balance instead of one. If they do not grasp your arm you can grasp their collar.
- Twist into a Crane stance.
Note: This loads the kicking leg.
- Shuto strike the opponent’s Brachial Plexus (Neck). (Lead Hand)
- Turn out the Crane stance and Snap kick the groin.