[4.5.0] Kusanku Bunkai Section-4: Counter to an Aggressive Reach

[4.5.0] Kusanku Bunkai Section-4 Bunkai (Counter to an Aggressive Reach)
Source: [Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] Advanced
Part-1 Attacker: Moves Aggressively Towards You
Part-2 Defender: Palm strike, Grasp Obi, and Reap the Opponent’s leg
- Shuto block the attacker’s grasp. (LH)
- Grasp his/her wrist. (LH)
- Palm-heel strike the attacker’ bladder or slap the groin to stop his/her advance. (RH)
- Grasp the obi or groin with the same hand. (RH)
- When the attacker tries to reverse direction, quickly yank the obi or groin towards yourself snapping the attacker’s lower back and hips forward.
- Slide your lead leg between the attacker’s legs.
- Push the attacker backwards while reaping one leg, so they are only on one foot.
- Push them backwards to the ground
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