[8.4.0] Kusanku Bunkai Section-8: Counter to a Punch

[8.4.0] Kusanku Section-8 Kaishaku: Counter to a Punch

[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1 Attacker: Punches
Part-2 Defender: Trap Punch, Break Balance, Snap Punch, and Elbow Strike Takedown
  • Intercept the punching hand.
  • Pull the trapped hand to the waist as you drop into a cat stance.

Theory: The attacker’s reaction is to pull away.

  • Control the trapped hand with your right hand and vertical snap punch to the jaw.
  • Front kick to the inside of the attacker’s thigh to open up his/her stance.
  • Drop down and place your front leg behind the attacker’s lead leg.
  • Release the trapped hand and grab the back of the attacker’s obi, and vertical elbow strike the groin and pull backwards simultaneously with your lead leg. (Kuchiki-taoshi)

Note: This will take the attacker to the ground.

Note: In the IWKA version your elbow is placed on the knee (RH) and the heel pick is made with your (LH). (Kibisu-gaeshi)

[End Series]

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