[9.5.0] Kusanku Bunkai Section-9: Counter to a Lapel Grasp or Reach

[9.5.0] Kusanku Section-9 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grasp or Reach

[Source:] [BCA Black-belt]
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1 Attacker: Reaches for You

Note: When an attacker grasps you clothing it is to control your movement or to facilitate a throw.

Part-2 Defender: Turn on a Forty-five-degree Angle, Trap One Hand, and Shuto
  • Trap one of the attacker’s hands with your rear hand.
  • Shuto strike with your lead hand and grasp the attacker’s collar.
Part-3 Defender: Alternate Finishing Technique (Uki-waza)

Note: This is not seen in the kata, but it can be an added technique to make it more effective. Adding to bunkai is acceptable if the kata is not changed. The first portion of bunkai must be remain true to the form. Additions can only be made after the bunkai with in the kata is first represented.

  • Drop into Uki-waza and throw the attacker. (Uki-waza)
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