[12.4.1 & 13.5.0] Kusanku Bunkai Section-12: Counter to a Punch or Grasp

[12.4.1 & 13.5.0] Kusanku Section-12 Kaishaku: Counter to a Punch or Grasp

[Source:] [Jujitsu Black Belt] (Double Leg Takedown)(Morote-gari)
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1 Attacker: Punches
Part-2 Defender: Intercept Punch, and Throw

Note: This can also be practiced from a grab.

  • Step out into Seiuchin/Shiko dachi while stepping behind the attacker with your lead leg.

Note: This simple movement avoids the punch.

  • Intercept the punch, and hold the attacker’s wrist of his/her punching arm with your right hand (RH)
  • Back-hand strike the attacker’s face (LH).
  • Grasp the opponent’s collar. (LH)

Note: Pull him/her backwards to break their balance.

  • Crescent kick the attacker’s thigh.

Warning: You can be thrown while on one leg. This is a risky ploy, but you cannot give the attacker time to thinks of a counterattack.

  • Pull the attacker down by the collar and execute a double leg takedown.

Note: If you fall with the attacker, land on top of the attacker.

[End Series]

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