[14.2.2] Kusanku Bunkai Part-B Section-14: Counter to Wrist Grab

[14.2.2] Kusanku Part-B Section-14 Kaishaku: Counter to Wrist Grasp
[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black Belt][Tuite]
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1 Attacker: Grasps Wrist
Part-2 Defender: Wristlock, Back Fist, Shin Kick, and Horizontal Elbow Strike
Information: In a “What-if Scenario” the series of techniques can be broken down into smaller pieces. In all bunkai you use as much as possible and seldom will you use all the techniques in a self-defense situation.
Part-2 Defender: Wristlock, Back -knuckle, Shin Kick, and Horizontal Elbow Strike
- Step into a cat stance to create distance.
- Pull your opponent’s arm towards your hip and downward.
Note: Try to place the attacker in a wristlock or finger lock. If you cannot get a lock, maintain control of the attacker’s wrist. The lock is only a distraction. The trapped limb keeps the opponent in your range of personal combat.
- Step forward still holding the attacker’s right hand down.
- Back Knuckle strike to the side of the attacker’s chin or temple. (LH)
- Shin-kick to the groin.
- Hook your (LH) arm around the attacker’s neck
- Release the attacker’s wrist (RH)
- Drive a Horizontal elbow into their chin.
Note: The goal is to hit the opponent as many times as you can. You may only get one or two pieces of this series, and that is okay.

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