[7.1.0] Wansu Bunkai Section-7: Counter to a Punch

[7.1.0] Wansu Section-7 Kaishaku: Counter to a Punch

[Source:] [UIKA Isshin-ryu Black-belt]
Rating: AOKK Preferred Bunkai

Note: We usually do use bunkai from other associations, but this is the same bunkai interpretation for all of the other organizations as well. We try to exhibit more unique bunkai, but since this one is so common, we went with it. When the majority of organizations agree on a bunkai, you usually have the original meaning.

Part-1 Attacker: Punch
Part-2 Defender: Shuto Blocks, Knee strikes, and Punches
  • Turn 90° and knife hand strike to remove attacker’s grasp.
  • Grasp the attacker’s arm and pull forward.
  • Knee to the groin.
  • Vertical snap punch to solar plexus

[End Series]

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