[11.2.0] Chinto Bunkai Section-11: Counter to a Lapel Grab

[11.2.0] Chinto Section-11 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grab

[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black Belt] [Old Bunkai]
Rating: AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs the Lapel
Part-2 Defender: Elbow Strike and Morote-gari
  • Twin forearm strike to remove the attacker’s grasp.
  • Step forward with your right foot slightly behind the attacker.
  • Grasp attacker’s (RH) with your (LH).
  • Rotate your torso and pull the attacker to the side breaking his/her balance while dropping into a horse-riding stance.
  • Strike the ribs with your right elbow as you’re pulling him/her sideways. This is to loosen the attacker up.
  • Drop and grasp uke behind the knees and throw the attacker to the side and backwards. (Morote-gari)

[End Series]

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