[9.4.0] Chinto Bunkai Section-9: Counter to a Front Kick

[9.4.0] Chinto Section-9 Kaishaku: Counter to a Front Kick
[Source:] [AOKK Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
Rating: Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Front Kicks off the Back-Leg
Part-2 Defender:
- Step backwards into a crane stance to remove your centerline targets grab the attacker’s kick.
- Strike the solar-plexus or groin with the lead hand.
- Grasp the attacker’s obi (belt).
Note: Take any open target. This strike is dependent upon which targets are open.
- After the second the blow has landed, use your rear leg to kick to the attacker’s groin or support leg.
Note: If you’re in too close you can drive your knee into the attacker’s support leg or groin.
Theory: Use the top of the foot and strike upwards when attacking the groin. Drive your foot or shin upwards and try to lift the attacker off the ground. If the attacker’s legs are too close together, use the ball of the foot to kick out the support leg.
[End Series]

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