[7.4.0] Sunsu Bunkai Section-7: Counter to a Single Lapel Grasp

[7.4.0] Sunsu Section-7 Kaishaku: Counter to a Single Lapel Grasp

[Source:] [Jujitsu/ Isshin-ryu Black-Belt]
[Rating:] Moderate

This is a more complicated bunkai. It has its roots in a very simple set of movements.

Part-1 Attacker: Attacker Grabs you Lapel with One Hand

Note: This is to keep you in range while the attacker punches you with his/her power hand

Part-2 Defender: Elbow Lock and Shuto Strike
  • Palm down Shuto rotate your arm the attacker’s placing him/her in an elbow lock. (LH)
  • Palm-up Shuto strike to the Carotid Plexus. (RH)
Part-3 Defender: (Suffix Technique) Throw via Elbow Lock
  • Grasp the attacker’s collar. (RH)
  • Turn and throw the attacker with Tai-otoshi.

Note: Striking the Carotid Plexus only stuns the attacker temporarily. You will need to suffix this bunkai to make it more effective. A good technique to use as a suffix to this bunkai is a Tai-otoshi throw using the elbow lock.

[End Series]

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