[12.4.0] Sunsu Bunkai Section-12: Counter to Front or Round Kick

[12.4.0] Sunsu Section-12 Kaishaku: Counter to Front or Round Kick

[Source:] [Isshin-Ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] Moderate

This is a level one bunkai. It is straight forward and is a solid self-defense. The leg trap and ankle lock make this a more difficult scenario. The majority of interpretations for this bunkai deals with trapping an attacker’s punch followed with a wrist or finger lock and side kick. I selected this one because it was different. The same mechanics apply to either counterattack, but this seems a little outside the box. Trapping a kick is not easy, but it can be done. To perfect this technique, it must be practiced during kumite.

Part-1 Attacker: Attacker Round Kicks
Part-2 Defender: Traps Kicking Foot
  • Intercept the kick with both hands.
  • Place the attacker in a Heel-hook if possible.

Note: If you cannot Heel Hook, maintain control of the attacker’s leg.

Part-3 Attacker: Attacker Pulls Leg Back

Part-4 Defender: Side Kicks

  • Twist into a crane stance and pull the attacker forward breaking his/her balance forwards and to the side.
  • Side-kick the attacker’s supporting leg damaging the knee joint.
Part-5 Defender: Leg Throw [Suffix or Hidden Technique]
  • Throw the attacker via his leg.

[End Series]

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